well you know thsi lirle piece of art....
well you know thsi lirle piece of art....
look good![]()
I still like paki the best.
well i dont change this one for any other..but its just me never tryed paki doe.Originally Posted by powerbodybuilder
Brazilian Duratestons are cheaper than that one bro, have you ever
thought about having a short vacation travel to Brazil? You don't
need to worry about language barriers, man!
yeah bro i know i have some friends in brazil..i will go indeed to brazil but i am going with my girlfriens sow thats gona be only for pleasure.lololOriginally Posted by Seajackal
1 question...do you speack portuguese?
I was born and raised in Brazil, so I can speak Portuguese as I told you
once this is my main language though I'm away from Brazil now...Sim eu
falo Portugues, mas estou esquecendo um pouco, ja sao 15 anos fora
do Brasil que eu as vezes me perco em algumas palavras menos utilizadas...
gostei de ver mas diz-em uma coisa.nao costumas ir de ferias para p brazil aquilo é o paraiso na terra eu estou a pensar em ir na pascoa o para natal pipas ou porto seguro era para ir para fortaleza mas ja me disseram qu eaquilo ta muito mau por la.diz uma coisa falas xines tanbem tas a viver ai a 15 anos ou foste agora prai á pouco tempo.Originally Posted by Seajackal
Eu apenas fui 2 vezes pro Brasil uma para casar-me e outra para ver o
meu pai antes que falecese em 2003 porque ele queria ver os meus filhos
antes de morrer porque estava com uma doenca incuravel no pulmao que
era questao de poucos meses de vida entao eu resolvi ir com a minha
familia. Eu vivo no Japao desde 1990 eu vim com 19 anos agora tenho
34...eu falo Japones tambem, chines...eu gostaria de aprender mas meu
interesse e aprender agora o Koreano, ja sei ler e escrever nesse idioma.
lamento muito pela tua perda...lamento tanbem fazer-te lembrar isso ma snao fazia ideia.bem fiquei mesmo muito mpressionadocom a quantidade de linguas que falas es um verdadeiro poliglota.bem espero ue continues em frente e sempre em força.![]()
hey guys - what about PM? Many of us are not speeking Portuguese![]()
my bad bro you are right i will translate that to you gusy if you want.sorry for thatOriginally Posted by MichaelCC
No problem MMM - but I lose the time with reading your threads with SJ.
I read it carefuly 2 times after I found out, that it wast written in the language I don't know![]()
Going with your girlfriend!?!?!?!? Man you are crazy bringing candy to the candy store!!!!Originally Posted by Maryland-Mcl-Machine
she is the only kandy i need bro.no nee more kandys.Originally Posted by toolman
Toolman loves Brazil, I can tell! Sorry for the foreign language conversation,
Big Mike, our bad, mine and MMM's!
hi sea whazz up!did you got my PM?Originally Posted by Seajackal
Yes, bro I got it, thank you, I just couldn't reply it yet but I'll reply it later
how many lbs are 1 kilo??sea can you help me on this
2.2 lbs = 1 kilo!Originally Posted by Maryland-Mcl-Machine
Last edited by Seajackal; 12-23-2005 at 02:34 AM.
Bros, let's stop this shit or Buff87 or MBH or even swolecat will see this
and this session will turn off....
I think that I will talk with them myself because I am not coming down here to share my results knowledge and everything to get this. Power bodybuilder I am very surprised with you. You could expect this from afinja and XWhiteDenali but not from you I am kind of disappointed. But I think that you don’t care about that to bad.Originally Posted by Seajackal
Still waiting for you to post how much calories, protein, fats and carbs you are taking in to gain so much weight in a short period.Originally Posted by Maryland-Mcl-Machine
hey guys stop flaming him.I totally agree with him and the progress you can do if you eat train and take gear.i think that the guys who flaming him are jealous;
white... i think that you re the kind of guy which thinks that take heavy weights makes you great an dtake gear is enough but the intensity is crap.
my history : i began bb 10 years ago because i do anorexia.at the beginning my weight was 40 kg for 1m77, now i weight 95 kg with 8-10% bodyfat.
i really take gear only the 2 last years.
the last cycle was the first who is very serious and take what i want;
nutrition is another round and i think you need to back to school to learn white...
Originally Posted by IRON1977
yup bro you goty a good point there i am on your side on that.i dont know about you guys but you dont need to take heavy to make you bigger.thats not how its works for me.wen i was 115 my biceps was 52cm and i do bicep curl with 15 in bowth sides max squats my record its 180kilos but normaly i only do 120 130 max chest i do with 100 110 max.the only thing that i put more weight is the leg press machine 500kilos its my record but normaly i only do 380 to 400 but thats only because i can do it well.the grow you need to pump bood to your cells and you can pump blodd with 2 3 exercises and 4 6 reps.thats waht i think.what about you guys. thanks for the support bro.
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