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Thread: Test Cyp. British Dragon Real/fake ?

  1. #1

    Test Cyp. British Dragon Real/fake ?

    This is 1 of the bottles i had left over (BD TEST CYP.) as an extra my last cycle, didnt gain much on cyc. so i was wondering if this was real or fake. it could have been underdosed but i dont know. the bottle has a little scotch tape on it when they packed & shipped them together. please help, thanks
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	bd3.gif 
Views:	912 
Size:	49.8 KB 
ID:	56366   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	bd2.gif 
Views:	1122 
Size:	57.2 KB 
ID:	56367   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	bd1.gif 
Views:	2120 
Size:	54.6 KB 
ID:	56368  
    Last edited by BOBBY D; 09-29-2005 at 08:28 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    whats the exp date and please take a pic of the flip off top

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by ajfina
    whats the exp date and please take a pic of the flip off top
    the exp. date says 2009. the flip top is not the new ones w/ the bd logo stamped into it, it is blue & something that says "flip up" w/ arrows on it. im at work so icant take a pic.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    How about the rubber in the top of the bottle? Flip the top off...Legit ones now have BD around the outside if it in four places and a dragon in the middle

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by ynot_5_0
    How about the rubber in the top of the bottle? Flip the top off...Legit ones now have BD around the outside if it in four places and a dragon in the middle
    the first one i got was grey rubber stopper, the second 2 i ordered were the newer green rubber stoppers. mind u i recieved these in march if that helps.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    i have a 10ml vial of bd testabol depot 200 (test c) sittin in front of me. it's got the new orange flip top. exp date is 2010 manf in apr 2005 so it's new. yours must be the older ones... from what i see it looks good though. i don't think it wld be underdosed. bd is know for good shit, never heard of underdosing problems with them..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    Quote Originally Posted by BOBBY D
    the first one i got was grey rubber stopper, the second 2 i ordered were the newer green rubber stoppers. mind u i recieved these in march if that helps.

    the ones with the green stopper shld have the bd markings and the dragon on them... look to see if they do...

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by topvega
    the ones with the green stopper shld have the bd markings and the dragon on them... look to see if they do...
    MAybe it does, i have to pulloff the flip top. i just cant understand what went wrong. i did notice bad acne on my arms & back, but as for gains not that much. ok ill take it as being legit. thanks guys

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Land of the rising sun.
    Just check your source name in the BD oficial site if your source is in the
    list then no problem. IMO you didn't gain much maybe from food intake or
    low dosage of the test, BTW did you run only test cyp in your cycle?

  10. #10
    Hey i just got the same stuff Last night from my guy. Is it good or not

  11. #11
    I also recieved the same stuff from a buddy of mine and he has had it for over a year and half. I have scotch tape on it when they packed & shipped, it's a mail order thing. My the exp. date is the same as yours. I'm new to this but from everything I've been told and read this seems to be real or very good fake. I'm going to use it. Only time will tell. Good luck

    Maddog your leg humpin buttie
    Last edited by Maddog59; 10-16-2005 at 02:59 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Wish I saw this sooner. I've used bd alot, my cyp has always read testabol depot 200 across the top. 2004, the stopper should probably be gray, I believe they switched in 3/2005 to green. When you check your source on the bd website make sure you have the url exact. Good luck-pgboo

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