deca prop winsrtol eq
deca prop winsrtol eq
personally i don't like QV crap, the Dpharm winnie and deca is good stuff it's 125 mgs and 300mgs, EQL EQ good to go to and the prop im using that one right now ,same one u have (love EQL stuff) they r out , I heard is Dpharm now
question did u get ur sustanon 's from the same guy u got this stuff?
and next time straight up ur pics bro
yeah but he told me he got sus from another source hell give me my money back
looks good to me
I second AJ, DPharm has good reps from the bros. Nice to know that EQL also
is a good one, thanks for the info AJ.
does dpharm have any other products? they look pretty cool.Originally Posted by ajfina
this post is over 2 years old
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