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Thread: any pics of human grade prop and susp? Virormone pic inside.

  1. #1

    any pics of human grade prop and susp? Virormone pic inside.

    i'm tired of not getting good results from long
    acting ester so i'll try a fast acting ester see how my body respond to it like these 2 so anyone can help i had never seen a pic of them thanks folks...

  2. #2
    Here's some Viromone, getting some next week
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	viromone.jpg 
Views:	1123 
Size:	35.2 KB 
ID:	11838  

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mate this board is full to the brim with Prop and Sustanon pix, are you after any particular one's ?


  4. #4
    first allow me to thank you guys for sharing and
    helping with such info, as i stated bfor i havent
    seen any pics have no clue of what talking about,
    i know how to use and stack it as far as doing gear nothing else, i have less than 3 wks to get
    my gear so can you guys reccommned a good brand of these 2 items, BOUNCER i know you had post many many pics of alot items you know your way in and out, do you know if is possible to find
    PAKISTANI and AUSTRALIAN BLADDERS boader north of texas? i wont mind getting my hands on 1 of these 2 brands thanks guys again...

  5. #5
    R THESE virormone amps human grade?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Virormone is human grade bro. Ferring Great Britian. And my pic is included in this thread and in one other. Just search for it under planetx, Virormone, ok?

    2 beautiful close ups. Ethyl oleate base allows greater uptake into the BS via muscle tissue!! Best propionate in the world, no doubt.

    100mg per 2cc ampule. AVOID BATCH 56234, the only confirmed fake batch at this time.

  7. #7
    thanks PLANETX just what i needed bro...
    no more search...

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