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Thread: REAL/FAKE Check: LetroGenLabs (LGL) Test

  1. #1

    REAL/FAKE Check: LetroGenLabs (LGL) Test

    Is there really a company called LetroGenLabs (LGL) that makes cypionate testosterone?

    I did a google for them and found nothing.

    I need a real/fake check on this stuff.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I have heard of GenPro, could this be correlated???

  3. #3
    This has LGL in big letter on the side of the bottle and says LetroGenLabs in small print at the bottom.

    I can't find anything online about LetroGenLabs.

  4. #4
    LGL is great stuff. But LetroGenLabs is a new brand, so you won´t find any information in the web. But it works great. I tested Cypionate and I realized that it´s not so painful like many other brands. You can use it. It´s really good stuff.
    Btw all LGL vials are 10% overdosed, so you get real good stuff for your money.
    Here is a list of LGL products (available in 5 and 10ml vials):

    Nandrolone Decanoate 200mg/ml
    Testoterone Propionate 100mg/ml
    Testosterone Cypionate 200mg/ml
    Trenbolone Acetate 100mg/ml
    Drostenolone Propionate (Masterone) 100mg/ml
    Boldenone Undecylenate (Equipoise) 250mg/ml

  5. #5

    LGL Letro Gen Labs

    Hunter2K is correct. LGL is a new company that has really started coming into the States early this year 2005. I have had several tested and all over tested around 10%. I have attached some pics. Anabolics 2005 has a few pics of LGL products.

    Sorry for the poor quality pics.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  6. #6
    good stuff

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Forty shades of green
    I wouldn't go near them.

  8. #8

    Real or fake

    Quote Originally Posted by the_wolf
    Is there really a company called LetroGenLabs (LGL) that makes cypionate testosterone?

    I did a google for them and found nothing.

    I need a real/fake check on this stuff.
    I bought sust 250 and on the label it says not for human use. Must be given by a vet. It also has a picture of a bulldog on the front. The manufacturer is CROWN LABS from Norwich. UK. Is this real or fake. If it is real, will it harm me being that it is for animals.

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