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Thread: RED Top ****** Boldabol?????

  1. #1

    RED Top ****** Boldabol?????

    I just got some Boldabol from an online supplier, used them before and got good shit. But this Boldabol came with a Red Top, ive only ever seen Green or Blue tops. Has anyone ever seen it with a rep top before? At first glance everything else appears good on the bottle like the label. It does have a very pungent smell, ive never used Boldabol before but ive been told it has a very distinct smell (cant really compare odors if ive never smelt real stuff though)

    Ill post a couple pics of it later kinda crunched for time.

    Thanks much for any info

  2. #2
    I read on a site containing info on ****************that mentioned something about changing the caps I will try and find it again and post up a link

  3. #3
    I can't believe there are still *** shit around...
    Last edited by spywizard; 06-23-2008 at 06:06 AM. Reason: lab name

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