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  1. #1
    LilVito469's Avatar
    LilVito469 is offline Banned
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    Jan 2004

    how can i tell if its real?

    just wondering...i was looking at the pics of the test enanthate from ICN GALENIKA...but all i notice really is the blue lettering on the there anything imparticular i can look for or should be looking for to tell if its real???maybe agent smith can help me out here or mod or vets...

  2. #2
    animal-inside's Avatar
    animal-inside is offline Senior Member
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    somewhere in Canada
    post a pic.. can't give you much advise withotu a pic... you may have a clear amp with blue printing on it but it don't mean shiit... the ICN fakes are clear amps and blue writting on them aswell.. see what i mean>?

    I just read a thread about a guy who says the real ICNs blue ink rubs off.. and the fake ink will just smear off... I am not sure if hes right but my real ICN's ink rubbed off and didn't smear off... he also said something about the ink on the fakes being lighter..

    best bet is post a pic

  3. #3
    LilVito469's Avatar
    LilVito469 is offline Banned
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    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by animal-inside
    post a pic.. can't give you much advise withotu a pic... you may have a clear amp with blue printing on it but it don't mean shiit... the ICN fakes are clear amps and blue writting on them aswell.. see what i mean>?

    I just read a thread about a guy who says the real ICNs blue ink rubs off.. and the fake ink will just smear off... I am not sure if hes right but my real ICN's ink rubbed off and didn't smear off... he also said something about the ink on the fakes being lighter..

    best bet is post a pic
    thanks bro i will see if i can get my hands on a digital camera as soon as i get my gear.

  4. #4
    LilVito469's Avatar
    LilVito469 is offline Banned
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    Jan 2004
    any one else out there that can help me out with some helpful tips?

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