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Thread: Galinika labtest

  1. #1

    Galinika labtest

    On request. her you go, bro, this month we'll test un other batch
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	icn-lab test4.jpg 
Views:	790 
Size:	7.8 KB 
ID:	33793  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    San Diego
    **** bro I cant read that. Fuzzy as hell, just my comp?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    179 mg/ml rhino58

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    If you post some lab test results please post the whole document because I can make something like that in 5minutes using Excel.
    What lab make that test, who signed for it, when and where it was made?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I agree completely Ret

    Needs to be a complete document...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    somewhere in Canada
    so according to this they are under dosed?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by animal-inside
    so according to this they are under dosed?
    Lot 0020 were underdosed. I had them...they did suck.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    somewhere in Canada
    is 179mg/ml under dosed tho? Taking the esters into account

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    21 ml / mg under dosering

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    underdosed is underodsed period. you are getting what you pay for.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    somewhere in Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by bocca
    21 ml / mg under dosering

    I don;t think you know what your talking about...
    a) i think you think they are 200 mg/ml amps... they are 250 mg/ml

    b) takign the esters into account i dont think it comes right out even at 200 mg/ml even if thats what you mean.

    when you get a lab test it shows the acutal test per ml... gear that has esters takes up "space" in each ml.. so 250 mg/ml enthate amps will never contain 250mg/ml test...

    only esterless suspenion will come out to 100mg/ml when it says it is 100mg/ml

  12. #12
    that lab test shows nothing I would like to know what is the deal with ICN's ?
    it seems that lately there are a lot of fakes and problems, and I would like to get to the bottom of it!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2004
    look on the test guy! 200 mg / ml it was tested and they found 179 mg / ml thats 21 under dosed i know that when 200 mg/ml it will be only sometimes 200 but tests are for see what is in. We already had tests from gs they were overdosed so you can see what company is good

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bocca
    look on the test guy! 200 mg / ml it was tested and they found 179 mg / ml thats 21 under dosed i know that when 200 mg/ml it will be only sometimes 200 but tests are for see what is in. We already had tests from gs they were overdosed so you can see what company is good
    obviously, you missed the entire point of that post ....if it is enanthate, then that actually seems about right if it is 179mg for a 200mg weight

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by bocca
    look on the test guy! 200 mg / ml it was tested and they found 179 mg / ml thats 21 under dosed i know that when 200 mg/ml it will be only sometimes 200 but tests are for see what is in. We already had tests from gs they were overdosed so you can see what company is good
    ICN Galenika Test depo is 250mg/1ml so if test shows its 179mg/1ml than its definitelt underdosed! But on the other side I don`t see any lab test results here. As I said before, it doesn`t look like a real document to me.

  16. #16

    bit childish

    Ret, you know I work for Bill and you know I wouldn't post counterfeited labreports, it only costs 100$, this one is done at SRCS. The other one is Farmadon propionate, fake, but it contains propionate.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	icn-lab test3.jpg 
Views:	609 
Size:	30.6 KB 
ID:	34002  

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    somewhere in Canada
    hey dutch. any way you can make those pics clearer?

    thanks for the info tho

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    deep south
    i believe it, and have heard it before, and have used it, and have been disapointed.

  19. #19
    So if it's true then can you please post the lote numbers of the fakes or better yet post some pictures.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    somewhere in Canada
    bitta.. its not smart to go around bashing people without all the facts..

    ICN's had a few bad batches awhile ago.. some are still in circulation. but the new ones are back on track.

    I did Icn's a few months ago... great results.. they were the newer batch.. I am certain yours were the bad batch... I am not associated with galenika but I dont think its fair to bash them when its not due...

    If you want post your batch numbers and then bash that batch...

    hey it could even have been you who ****ed up during your cycle and thats why you had no results.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    deep south
    actually bro, I was just giving my opinion on the gear, and if you look back at prev posts you will see the batch #'s that I posted already when I had them, also I stated in tpast posts that everyone else I know has gotten good results with them and I am sure i got the ONE bad batch, in fact I stated that many times so I really cant entertain your post, as much as id like to. some key words in my post (believe,heard,i was disapointed) not, they suck I hate galenika the gear is worthless etc that would be a bash, I know them to be a reputible lab and AGAIN have heard nothing but good from those who didnt get either fakes or unders. why you gotta bash me?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    deep south
    man wtf I just read your post again, Its not smart to be getting all pissy about something that you even stated in your post "icn had a few bad batches a while ago....." that would mean,from your idea of a bash, that you are bashing them too. My god. I said ONE batch you said a few now who's bashing? just relax and breath some of that cool canadian air.
    Last edited by bitta; 06-02-2004 at 01:39 PM. Reason: forgot something

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    deep south
    Quote Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
    Lot 0020 were underdosed. I had them...they did suck.
    a bash?

  24. #24
    Isn't this really old news? People have been talking about the underdosed 0020 and possible 3507 batches over 6 months ago.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    somewhere in Canada
    bitta, the fact is the did have a FEW bad batches... Me sayign that fact is not bashing the company, I said right after THEY ARE BACK ON TRACK.. No one is denying theyhad bad batches.

    ths is what you said
    "i believe it, and have heard it before, and have used it, and have been disapointed."

    and NOT ONCE in your post I resonded to did you say "I got some from one of the bad batches but eveyone else I talk to say good things".. or along those lines.. and you did not say you got that one bad batch in this post.. You may have said it in PREVIOUS posts, but fcuk you want me to look up and read everyone of your posts before I post a reply to your post? youve got to be ****ign kidding me.... This wouidl mean any one on AR who responds to someone must search and read all that users previous posts before they can comment..

    for those reading and bitta I had to type fast.sorry bout the spelling and writting beign hard ot understand

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    somewhere in Canada
    Money boss H stated the BATCH NUMBER which is a fact...

    you stating "they disappointment me" is a bash to the company.

    If you had said the batch number in your post I would not have a problem with you saying batch xxx sucked and i was disappointed.

    because you left the bathc number out every person who sees your post will be steered away from ICN when in fact they produce some of the best test entat out there.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bitta
    a bash?
    I was making a reference to lot 0020. I used the words "them" and "they" in the reference. They did suck...and now these lab tests prove it. Not bashing ICN...I'm using a newer batch right now. They're good.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    deep south
    animal just breathe brotha, deep breaths, you obviously came to argue with somebody in cyberspace, behind the prtection of your computer so I will let you vent all you want bro, since you know you will never see me in person I guess thats safe enough for ya. 3507 SUCKED! Im out........taking my ball and going elswhere.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by dutchbodybuilder
    Ret, you know I work for Bill and you know I wouldn't post counterfeited labreports, it only costs 100$, this one is done at SRCS. The other one is Farmadon propionate, fake, but it contains propionate.
    Bill takes money for the stuff he is advertising in anabolics 2004. As a matter of fact one of the biggest russian dealers Vadim Godlevskiy paid him to advertise fake British Dragon products in Anabolics 2004. Those products haven`t been released yet and Vadim Godlevskiy has stolen British Dragon name and making his own products under that name.
    So I don`t trust William Llevellyn at all.
    But I do trust in lab reports made in SRCS. Now it looks much better thanks. Needless to say I`m not doubting you.

  30. #30


    I'll ask Bill and give you the comment. I like your answer Ret, it shows we can disagree and still discuss a matter in a grown-up way and learn from each other, and thats what, i.m.o, this forum is for.

  31. #31

    other one

    Since I'm at it the pic of the other analysed amp. This one had a hologram on the box, on German forum users complain about abcesses from the newer batches but this batch contained 60,2 mg/ml instead of 100 mg/ml.
    I only poses this smaller pdf format from the labreport, but I'll ask for the hardcopy.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Rusprop1.jpg 
Views:	296 
Size:	19.6 KB 
ID:	34072  

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    British Dragon is a chinese lab like IP so you are taking your chances with them like anything else from China.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    somewhere in Canada
    Brit Drag have a very very very good reputation, especially latly... alot of people say its the best gear out there right now... just because of the "china man" is a fucck nut dont bash everything from china...

    on a side note.. its nice to see ret and dbb'er can have a disagrement and not "fight".. off topic BYE BITTA!!! won't miss ya

  34. #34


    I asked William Llewelynn and he asked me to post his comment:

    "The accusation that I take payments to advertise drug companies in my book
    is beyond inaccurate, to the point of absolute absurdity. Any company that
    has ever had direct contact with me over the years knows this first hand. I
    would never even accept free product samples from them, let alone money to
    "talk them up". Anabolics 200X is, and will always remain, a publication
    focused on providing accurate UNBIASED infomation. I take great personal
    offense to the suggestion that I would be willing to tarnish my reputation
    like this. The story above is completely without merit, and I will not
    address it or its author any further."

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    British Dragon is a chinese lab like IP so you are taking your chances with them like anything else from China.
    Mo it is not chinease bro. The owner is from UK and they are located in Thailand. and you can`t compare IP quality to BD products, they are far beyond this level.
    Dutch, then ask Bill to comment so called "BD" products he has in that publication. Then go to and you will see that some products do not even exist! Such as Trenolone and other suff in 5ml vials!!! All those new so called BD products have been made in India at BM Pharmaceuticals, even boxes have same look! Moreover, those so called BD products presented in this publication are not available on the market yet! its just good idea to advertise stuff till you start selling it!

  36. #36

    Red face stupid

    Bill recieves (emty) packages from items he wants to publish as new, and he admitted that he had the items you mentioned, he wasn't paid to publish it, he was just happy to be able to show new BD, not knowing what he knows now. Short: Bill took no advertising money but was just stupid to believe in the good intensions of BD. He'll be more carefull, next time.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    GD!!! I want blood!!!

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by dutchbodybuilder
    Bill recieves (emty) packages from items he wants to publish as new, and he admitted that he had the items you mentioned, he wasn't paid to publish it, he was just happy to be able to show new BD, not knowing what he knows now. Short: Bill took no advertising money but was just stupid to believe in the good intensions of BD. He'll be more carefull, next time.
    Yes Bill e-mailed me regarding this subject. BD had no intensions to advetise the products and they didn`t send anything to him. But one russian dealer who also makes BM Pharmaceuticals stuff decided to make his own British Dragon products using this brand name. Those are knock off products.

    Here is a list of knock off BD products which are not yet in circulation:

    Deca Nubol
    Last edited by Retabolil2; 06-10-2004 at 02:17 PM.

  39. #39
    [QUOTE=Retabolil2]Yes Bill e-mailed me regarding this subject. BD had no intensions to advetise the products and they didn`t send anything to him. But one russian dealer who also makes BM Pharmaceuticals stuff decided to make his own British Dragon products using this brand name. Those are knock off products.

    hey Ret, are you saying this Russian dealer is also making fake BM pharmaceuticals? if so how can you tell them apart, and what do the fakes contain?

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Retabolil2
    Yes Bill e-mailed me regarding this subject. BD had no intensions to advetise the products and they didn`t send anything to him. But one russian dealer who also makes BM Pharmaceuticals stuff decided to make his own British Dragon products using this brand name. Those are knock off products.

    hey Ret, are you saying this Russian dealer is also making fake BM pharmaceuticals? if so how can you tell them apart, and what do the fakes contain?
    No this russian dealer is the only one person BM sells their products to. Owner of all the steroids they make. All yellow top Jintropins with ceramic lettering made in China for this dealer exclusively.
    Like BD makes Trenabol depot for another russian guy exclusively

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