Hey I finally got the pics onto the screen, its not a very good camera, anyways, my buddy gave me these 2 - 10ml Vials. The One with the BLUE TOP is Testosterone Enanthate, it's called Testolon 200 if u can't see it and Made By World Products at the bottom. The GREEN TOP is Test. Cypionate, it's called Cypionate 200 also made by World Products. World products is also in Canada i geuss since it says it's made in Canada. The Batch # and Date are also printed in the same proccess as the label too. The corners aren't rounded they are straight and The labels are not totally straight . He said his bro gets it from his buddy who makes it. Im Farely New to this and I've trusted this source in the past, but what do i say to this. Please HELP!!!!!!!
Test. Enanthate - Testolon Test. Cypionate - Cypionate
200 200