Some recent zambons
Some recent zambons
good stuff right there
looks legit to me bro,my broad is using the same ones
no legit bro....
because the original winny is " Winstrol depot" and not " WINSTROL DEPOT"
doenst mean anything bro....i appreciate the .02 but thats innacurateOriginally Posted by jhonny28
I agree, the letters being in caps or not doesn't mean anything, i've been on a lot of different forums lately and i've seen the two diffenent kinds. In my opinion, if you get good separation, your good to go! Fake winny doesn't separate very well.
Thats My .02 Worth!
iamcdn those you had didnt have the (R) mark betwen winstrol depot right?
No they didn't, but from what i've been told they started putting the "R" in between when the lot starting with S was made. The lot # on mine is R031. The R lot was the last made with the capital letters as well.
Look just like the ones I have and I know mine are real.
Legit! Wake up dude! Fake as hell! At least the one in the middle is definitely fake but from what I can see all of them are the same lot number T004.Originally Posted by AustrianOAK14
Take a look at the picture below, only one amp out of four is legit, second from the left. Zambon is no longer a safe buy, too many fakes around.
Last edited by Retabolil2; 11-13-2004 at 05:46 AM.
Who cares?! take a look at the separation! it must be 50/50 and with clear water! Like on the picture i posted above, second from the left is the real deal.Originally Posted by Jackt23
Others are fake. Sorry bro but yours are 100% fake.
suprisingly enough...your 100% sure they are fake....but others, especailly guys who have delt with my source, say they are 100% real
bro ,dont argue ,they are fake ,looks like u have some water and detergent in those amps(too many bubbles) they are 100% fake
They're rigth, it's fake. I live near spain so I've seen lots of zambons. Trust me, it's fake.
my friend take a look at my picture. second from the left is the real deal. Let your stuff sit for two days. If separation is something like 50/50 and water is clear then yours most likely legit.Originally Posted by Jackt23
Otherwise - fake.
Retaboil2 send great comparing picture, 50/50% separtaion is a real deal. So yours are fake
I`ve heard Zambon winny will be protected with a hologram soon. I dont think it helps but its definitely a change for better!
Bro Ret knows his stuff...
And took the time to give you an honest correct anwser...
They are counterfitted Zambons or in other words fakes...
If anyone wants my .02...I support Ret's remarks. They are bogus.
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