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Thread: Dianabol Real or Fake?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Dianabol Real or Fake?

    I just recieved these dianabol from somewhere in greece and they have a B and D on one side with a slash through the middle and a 10 on the other. I have not taken any yet but from other pictures I have seen I think they might be fake. I am new to 'gear' but I am trying to learn as much as possible. It seemed that dianabol would be a good place to start and now I am bummed that I might have gotten fake dbol. I believe these are the same pills from the same place as juggalostorm posted in another thread. Any info you guys can give will be appreciated. Thanks rx50

  2. #2
    What you describe are British Dragon 10mg methanabol. Go to the British Dragon web site and compare. Post a picture here if you can. If it is real, it is an excellent product.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    checked website

    i checked the website and it looks legit but some of the pills taste like they have chemical while others do not? it makes me wonder about a dosage veriation in the pills and so far there have been less that taste like chemicals than those that do. what do you all think

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