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Thread: Are these Normas legit

  1. #1

    Are these Normas legit

    I went through one of the forums and found a picture of the Normas that I have exactly down to the lot#, exp date, everything. What I need to know is if these are real.

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  2. #2

    hopefully it will bring up the picture better

  3. #3
    sorry wrong link, this should do it

    Cnova had these on his post

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Land of the rising sun.
    Cnova's Normas are real deal, if yours are EXACTLY the same look
    batch/exp date/ label/crimp shape/ rubber stopper, you can't go

  5. #5
    thanks Seajackal, I had doubts because the "E" didnt have the bottom leg longer than the others, and the label didnt cover the logo imprinted in the glass. I didnt know if those are concrete indicators of fake stuff.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    FYI...they can now come with red etching on the glass.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Land of the rising sun.
    Quote Originally Posted by tonetanks
    thanks Seajackal, I had doubts because the "E" didnt have the bottom leg longer than the others, and the label didnt cover the logo imprinted in the glass. I didnt know if those are concrete indicators of fake stuff.
    The letter "E" detail is an indicator of possible fake, but Cnova's Normas has
    the real deal "E" shape, if yours has the same batch #/expiry date and doesn't
    look like Cnova's Normas "E" so they are probably fake. About the logo, all the real ones I've seen have the logo covered by the label, I dunno if there are
    some that just come with uncovered logos like you mentioned.

  8. #8
    the actual ones in the picture thats on the post are the exact ones I have identical the picture that is posted could just as well be a picture of mine down to every detail. So are those in the picture legit?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by tonetanks
    the actual ones in the picture thats on the post are the exact ones I have identical the picture that is posted could just as well be a picture of mine down to every detail. So are those in the picture legit?
    The only way you will know is if you post pictures of your own. You may not notice some detail that others of us will catch. If they aren't pictures of your own, then you can't know for sure.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    well, the lot and expiry date is a little suspicious ....??? the lot is 0402005 ?????
    what's that all about ....?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Land of the rising sun.
    Quote Originally Posted by sevenmann
    well, the lot and expiry date is a little suspicious ....??? the lot is 0402005 ?????
    what's that all about ....?
    Why suspicious bro??? The juice were procued in 2004, so the 04 is the
    year date, the 02 is the month of produce and the 005 is the lot number
    it matches pretty well to Normas batch pattern, and if you see the expiry
    date it has a time of 2 years and that's right! I hope this helps you in your
    skills, bro. Living and learning, the same here!

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