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Thread: Legit Dianabol?

  1. #1

    Legit Dianabol?

    has anyone heard of

    100 tabs
    Methandrostenolone 5
    (steroid Anabolic)

    Manufactured by Romopharmin Pharmaceutical
    Tehran Iran?

  2. #2
    I have just got these today and am similarly looking to authenticate my product...

  3. #3
    timmy, can you post a picture? i struggled. it may haelp us both to get some answers

  4. #4
    apperantly this answers the question

    some dbol are really dbol & contain methandrostenlone,

    some are marketed as dbol but actually contain the cheaper substance called methyltestosterone,

    so therefor they are counterfeit, not the real deal...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I have seen them out of the UK. Never had them lab tested. I can see what the results were with the people who used them. The blister packaging look good. Can you post a pic?

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