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Thread: sustanon in 10 ml

  1. #1

    sustanon in 10 ml

    I have these gear they are organon, but I have not see any pic of it on this this good??..I have just begun my 3th week on a 10 week cycle 500 per week....
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    organon do not produce aas solutions in 10ml vials, 100% fake and just check the crimping, looks very bad => so far from organon standard ...
    Last edited by methan_bos; 03-06-2007 at 04:17 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Canada & Europe
    Organon wow nice fake Sustanon. Why do people buy these ?????

  4. #4
    dude are you guys sure?

  5. #5
    WELL i went to the guy at my gym where I bought it from, and he told me...its from Holland...and that organon does make in 10 ml, even 50 ml... and that it was bought from a dokter self..and also that alot off people have used it and he says they all have seen good gains and no complain so far.. but I am from the caribbean island and maybe in the states or wherever you guys are from , it doesnt come in 10 ML...orrrrrrr its just fake...if it is fake, what should I do?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    i wont trust it

  7. #7
    this guy is practiclly family of mine, hes been in this buseniss here for more than 20 years..he has always used sustanon label like these ones....maybe is just another type with same result...atleast I hope so...because f*ck man all the work I put up...this really sucks, I regret I posted the pic... damnnn...

  8. #8
    btw. he has competed several times and wonnn...he is a bodybuilder....anywayss... im ****ing pissed man..

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    we could be wrong man, but really i never knew that organon made those

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I m 100% sure

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by wishmasterATM
    WELL i went to the guy at my gym where I bought it from, and he told me...its from Holland...and that organon does make in 10 ml, even 50 ml... and that it was bought from a dokter self..and also that alot off people have used it and he says they all have seen good gains and no complain so far.. but I am from the caribbean island and maybe in the states or wherever you guys are from , it doesnt come in 10 ML...orrrrrrr its just fake...if it is fake, what should I do?
    can you let me know which aas organon produce in 10 or 50ml vial, it's dosent exist trust me on that, you have only 1 and 2ml. for sus from holland it come in 1ml vial. only UG and some veterinary lab use these 10, 20 >50ml vials

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    check the real stuff, left pict. your 10ml sus it's just a really bad copie or dangerous fake. on right pict you can see some bogus organon prod , also 10ml vial who after sevral analyses we saw that into this substance they found benzyl chloride, dangerous compound who is used as the preservative.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Sustanon-Holland-Inside.jpg 
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    Last edited by methan_bos; 03-07-2007 at 06:36 AM.

  13. #13
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    Quote Originally Posted by methan_bos
    check the real stuff, left pict. your 10ml sus it's just a really bad copie or dangerous fake. on right pict you can see some bogus organon prod , also 10ml vial who after sevral analyses we saw that into this substance they found benzyl chloride, dangerous compound who is used as the preservative.

    I've used those white label Sust before...kinda har to get your hands on and expensive as hell compared to the Nile and Karachi. Karachi's are like water to get and work well.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28
    I've used those white label Sust before...kinda har to get your hands on and expensive as hell compared to the Nile and Karachi. Karachi's are like water to get and work well.
    it's hard to get them in Holland and the price is not very attractive, by this reason I opt for turkish sus cheap and easy to find

  15. #15
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by methan_bos
    it's hard to get them in Holland and the price is not very attractive, by this reason I opt for turkish sus cheap and easy to find
    Same for the US, Karachi's are by far one of the easiest to come by

  16. #16
    I know the price is not low,.. but we are a dutch colonial system ... ( where I live ) , so maybe for us down here we can get them in 10 ml...I dont know man...if it fake, should I stop using it?..

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by wishmasterATM
    ... but we are a dutch colonial system ... ( where I live ) , so maybe for us down here we can get them in 10 ml...I dont know man...if it fake, should I stop using it?..

  18. #18
    what is that suppose to mean?... where are you from, from holland?... praat maar nederlands dan ...

  19. #19
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Definitely stop using it if it's have no Idea of what's in it or if it's even sterile.

    I've heard of fakes acually containing hormones, maybe not the hormone on the label but it's not worth the risk. You should get it tested if it's really worth that much to you.


  20. #20
    this is one reason why I should have stay away from these things...shit mann... what an experienceeeeeee this suckkss

  21. #21
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    Dude If I were you you are already in the third week keep on goig to see if you see results in the 5th week because that is normally when the Susta works, if you look at the picture from the Holland Susta the color looks similar, take a close look

  22. #22
    yes I have seen the colors they look the same...

  23. #23
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    I dont see any reason why you want to continue to inject this shitt it's unbelievable, your stuff is totally FAKE, dont take the risks for nothing ...

  24. #24
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    I might not think that it is fake because I live in the Netherlands and my cousin uses that same Susta 10ml and worked perfectly & right now he is on a Testoviron 10ml too that he got from Dominican Republic and he is in his 4th week now and seeing progress.

  25. #25
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    Organon do not produce those vials, now you can do what ever you want.

    End of Thread

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by methan_bos
    Organon do not produce those vials, now you can do what ever you want.

    End of Thread

    No need to get angry dude

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    why do people take stuff then ask if its fake ?????

    then people give their opinions and they wont accept them - if you wanna take it take it. The general concensus seems to be that they are fake ... do with it what you will

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by methan_bos
    it's hard to get them in Holland and the price is not very attractive, by this reason I opt for turkish sus cheap and easy to find
    good to see you as always methan!!!


  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by strongmann
    good to see you as always methan!!!

    what up bro, nice to see you here

  30. #30
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    The point here is that someone is copying brand names and selling them as real. 60%-70% of the people have no clue what real looks like so they buy it. I am sure these fakes do contain something or the fakers wouldnt be making any money. Fucck people wake up and do research before you buy anything.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    powerbodybuilder is 100% right

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by powerbodybuilder
    The point here is that someone is copying brand names and selling them as real. 60%-70% of the people have no clue what real looks like so they buy it. I am sure these fakes do contain something or the fakers wouldnt be making any money. Fucck people wake up and do research before you buy anything.
    In a way you are right, but I have seen dudes using these and getting result, and as far as I used to know organon made sustanon..but now I come across all of these issues that its not in 10 ML...but thnx anywayss for all your posts .but right now i will stick on for atleast 5 weeks , if something bad happens to me...this is a goood damn lesson, and if indeed I do see some result...well then for all you might as well learned something new about Organon Sustanon..unless one of you guys work for the Organon inc. ..but thnx for the posts , I know I sound kind of stubborn for asking something and can not handle the answers I got..I was looking maybe for other answers

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by methan_bos
    can you let me know which aas organon produce in 10 or 50ml vial, it's dosent exist trust me on that, you have only 1 and 2ml. for sus from holland it come in 1ml vial. only UG and some veterinary lab use these 10, 20 >50ml vials

    Dude you said that Organon doen't make 10Ml vials but look closely what U posted that only Vets have these 10Ml vials and if you read well what the dude said ( Wishmaster) he said that his friend bought them from a docter in Netherland... BUMP BUMP

    Powerbodybuilder might be right.

  34. #34
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    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by methan_bos
    Organon do not produce those vials, now you can do what ever you want.

    End of Thread

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Btw did you know that Polysterone is also Sustanon Methan_bos??? Because you live in Europe. And were I'm from we also use Polysterone. Don't take it personally but I think not every region has the same gear

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Testoviron Depot
    Sostenon 250
    Polysteron 250
    Sustenon 250
    Sustanon 250
    ... etc

    All these testosterone blend "Sustanon" (human grade gear) has same the point they are made in 1ml and basicly when you inject it the Prop in the Sustanon cause the pain.This can be one of the vector who can tell you if it's real or not. Spot inject of sustanon need to hurt after few hours if your sustanon is REAL.

    Take care

  37. #37
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    Mar 2007
    when I use it my ass is so sore for 2 days after shot

  38. #38
    yes but there is not much prop in the susta...and im shooting it ..monday 125..wednesday 125...friday 250...and I have not gotten sore sore....

  39. #39
    btw . methan , thnx for the info and everything dude...

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Unfortunately most fakes or copies do ONLY contain Propionate so the person feels a bit of pain and thinks its good. Propionate is the cheapes compound so thats why they use it. Lots of the Fake Primos only had Prop.

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