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Thread: Stan real or fake

  1. #1

    Cool Stan real or fake

    Sorry about the influx of picture. Trying to buy legit for my second coarse. Got caught out on my first. Just wanting to know if anyone has any info on this product??
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Stan rwr edit.JPG 
Views:	1832 
Size:	132.1 KB 
ID:	86623  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Looks good bro!

  3. #3
    Thanks bro...

  4. #4
    stop commenting if you do not know. This is a Australian vet product that is 100% fake mate. RWR gear does not exist anymore.

  5. #5
    how long have they been out of business

  6. #6
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    That stuff is by RWR (no need to edit name as it's an approved veterinary product) which is faked quite a bit. There are many good RWR fakes out there, be careful and good luck.


  7. #7
    Gear's Avatar
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    That actually looks real to me by the looks of it. I have the real deal next to me and it looks excatly the same. Since this compound is suspended, if you leave it for a few days the powder should seperate from the solution, if that's the case your stuff is more than likely the real deal.


  8. #8
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kewkewkrazy View Post
    stop commenting if you do not know. This is a Australian vet product that is 100% fake mate. RWR gear does not exist anymore.
    #1, RWR still exists. I am more than gald to provide their details and you can call them and ask them yourself if they still produce products.

    #2, In another thread a pic of stanazolol was posted. You said it was RWR, when it was not by RWR and is by Ilium. It is quite easy to tell the difference between RWR and Ilium, just shows how much you know.

    And #3, how do you know that stuff is fake? You can't just tell someone their stuff is fake because some fool on a pissy ass Aussie forum said RWR don't exist anymore. Don't 100% state things if you don't have 100% proof.

    So, stop telling people what to do, and stop giving out BS advice in my forum. Actually, you should take your own advice since you have no idea what you're talking about, clearly.


  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    #1, RWR still exists. I am more than gald to provide their details and you can call them and ask them yourself if they still produce products.

    #2, In another thread a pic of stanazolol was posted. You said it was RWR, when it was not by RWR and is by Ilium. It is quite easy to tell the difference between RWR and Ilium, just shows how much you know.

    And #3, how do you know that stuff is fake? You can't just tell someone their stuff is fake because some fool on a pissy ass Aussie forum said RWR don't exist anymore. Don't 100% state things if you don't have 100% proof.

    So, stop telling people what to do, and stop giving out BS advice in my forum. Actually, you should take your own advice since you have no idea what you're talking about, clearly.


    #1 - The laws on vets are so tights now mate there is no chance it will get to bodybuilders on the street....same as pharmacy gear very little chance.

    #2 Yes you are right it was illium stanabolic i apologise but again mate seriously no vet products are real. They may have some active ingredient but who knows? with water based gear i would not try it.

    #3 - Its a counterfeit. They are pretending its old legit gear i doubt they would put real stuff in it....its all made by a well known bikie gang.

    Im not here to argue with you or anyone....he can try the stuff yes but when he gets a abcess and no gains then he shall not whinge as he has been warned.

  10. #10
    Gear's Avatar
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    Mate, I am Aussie myself, I know how it is here. Hard as hell to come by gear, no question about it. But the laws of getting VET gear and pharmaceutical grade gear has always been tight.

    I know this stuff is rare on the streets for most people but not everybody, so everytime we see RWR stuff we can't excatly go saying it's a fake because its hard as hell to come by because I have plenty of it which is very real. I can post pics if you like and you can compare.

    I came across as I did because I am quite sick of people giving out information that they are not a 100% sure about, and you happen to be the last poster to piss me off in that way, that's all.


  11. #11
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kewkewkrazy View Post
    Im not here to argue with you or anyone....
    I've been coming to this site for a long time before I ever joined, and I have yet to see Gear wrong about anything. If you do decide to argue with someone, which I discourage, you would be well advised to choose someone else.

  12. #12
    I think you will find this is a real rwr product note the S4 caution that all vet products must have but fakes have yet to replicate

    im yet to come across any real vet product in a long long time. There is no way i would encourage that fella to use the stuff.

  13. #13


    Thanks a lot darr, kew and gear and who ever else has given straightforward advice, I appraise it. I am still searching never the less, as I am not yet satisfied with what I have found. Thanks again guy this forum idea is a great way of trying to keep the dealers honest.

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