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Thread: 1st Cycle Gear Check Please! Test Cyp!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Dont Trip

    1st Cycle Gear Check Please! Test Cyp!

    Alright, ive dont plenty of research before hand and have found this lab to be good on other boards and even this exact product to be good. Just wanted to double check with you guys. Also, noob to all this vial stuff i thought the flip tops are like lids that you can flip off and snap back on. Haha, well last night after getting my gear i flipped one off to my surprise to notice that it was sealed on and can't be snapped back on. Im not going to use this or start this cycle until mid august so im gonna need to store it and keep it sterile of course. Can i maybe just tape the flip top back on and keep in the box and in a zip lock back in my safe thats cool and very dark? Thanks guys, kinda dumb question but just want to be as safe as possible.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Dont Trip


    In the third picture you can see what im talking about the flip top. Im sure all flip tops are sealed like this as you can see but i of course never seeing gear in real life before had no idea. I thought there were like a cap that could be put on and off, haha. Is it ok to leave the flip top off for storage for a few months til i use it or what should i do? As you guys can see, the rubber stop and everything looks very solid and legit so i don't think i would have to worry about sterile problems storing if i place in a safe place in a zip lock bag untouched. Gonna wipe the rubber stop before every inject anyway with an alcohol pad to be safe. Thanks again guys!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    San Diego
    should be fine

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    just swab the vial with alcohol each time and you should be fine

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Dont Trip
    thanks guys! DOes anyone know how legit this lab or product is, quality? Anyone have experience with this stuff?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    +1 to what gman13 said. No need to try and tape the cap back on, you should be swabbing the the rubber every use anyways.

    Hope it turns out to be good!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Dont Trip
    Quote Originally Posted by LayinLo View Post
    +1 to what gman13 said. No need to try and tape the cap back on, you should be swabbing the the rubber every use anyways.

    Hope it turns out to be good!
    Thats true, thanks guys! I was thinking of getting some dbol tabs too for the first 4 weeks but i think my suppplier is retarded. He said he can only get injectable dbol of 50mg per ml in a 10 ml vial. He also said its only 1 shot every 7 days! This is why i think hes retarded, 50mg of injectable dbol per 7 days? I think ill go with just the test or maybe a superdrol clone for the first 4 weeks.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Dont Trip
    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    Alright, ive dont plenty of research before hand and have found this lab to be good on other boards and even this exact product to be good. Just wanted to double check with you guys. Also, noob to all this vial stuff i thought the flip tops are like lids that you can flip off and snap back on. Haha, well last night after getting my gear i flipped one off to my surprise to notice that it was sealed on and can't be snapped back on. Im not going to use this or start this cycle until mid august so im gonna need to store it and keep it sterile of course. Can i maybe just tape the flip top back on and keep in the box and in a zip lock back in my safe thats cool and very dark? Thanks guys, kinda dumb question but just want to be as safe as possible.

    Bump for anyone who has used or know if this gear and lab are currently legit. GOing to start cycle in a few weeks and need to know if anyone can confirm on here if its legit. If not then i gotta get some new gear and consider this stuff a lose. Thanks guys!

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