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Thread: Sustanon 250mg Pics (Yellow Vial)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Sustanon 250mg Pics (Yellow Vial)

    I have been taking this for 3 weeks now. I have seen some gains but not what I have expected. I weighed about 172 before I started. I never weigh myself but i had the flu a month before i started and i was 168 at the doctor and in the past when i weighed in i was 172ish.

    Today I was 181. My strength has increased and I have gotten a bigger but its hard to tell when you see yourself in the mirror every day.

    Testicles are smaller and I have been getting sweats alot. The injection hurt and I felt as if I got the flu after the first injection.

    My guess is that the stuff is partially real. Maybe not Sustanon 250 but possibly something like propinate 60 and Enathenate 60, basically not all 4 and not full potency.

    This is my first cycle but other guys I know say the gains should be more. Should they be?

    Has anyone used this before? I had to hide the name as best as possible but if you have used or seen it then you will recognize it.

    I seen another dude in the area with it, but he is a fool and works out like an amateur. I have been working out for 13 years and have become fairly educated. I am working out correct and have become stricter in the last 4 weeks. More food and protein basically.
    Last edited by LizzardSecond; 05-27-2008 at 12:59 PM.

  2. #2
    Wheres the pics bro?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    It seems from the weight gain (even though every pound is not 100% positive) and the strength gain it is working.

    The thing is that 1 week before I began it was Orthodox lent and I do not eat meat during it and I consumed low amounts of protein. I found myself getting weaker each week for 7 weeks because I could not keep my muscle mass.

    Although, today at the gym I was able to do on my fourth set 275lb 6 reps. On my 7th set I was able to incline press 95lb dumbells, six times. Both are highs for me, since I was 23 (7years ago). On Sunday when i did military press I pushed 155lb for six reps on my fourth set. Another high for me. I did not lift for 4 years because I purchased a restaurant and that took the majority of life away. I started again in September

    I am confused, can anyone provide any insight?
    Last edited by LizzardSecond; 05-27-2008 at 11:46 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I also forgot:

    I am 6ft tall with low fat. I have a six pack with the bottom two not being as strongly noticeable.

    Just three weeks ago, again remember I was coming off fasting, I was doing six reps of each bench press at 225 and 105 on military. But again i was weak and doing a bit more before lent. 250 on bench and 135 on military.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    fl/pa.. Beatin cheeks!
    The pics are to blurry

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008

    fine pics

    the pics are fine. If you have seen or used the stuff then you know what it is. The SS is clear enough that you will remember what it is. The hologram will remind you of the eagle hologram in it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Well after 4 full weeks I will say now its definetly real. I am now 189lb after starting at 174lb. I have decided to use that as my starting weight considering. I started out lighter but my natural weight was higher. Fasting for lent shed weight that was regained after lent.

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