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Thread: Q's about Anavar

  1. #1

    Q's about Anavar

    Hey everyone...

    Just wanted to say its awesome to be part of this community... I have been looking around on this forum lately and just decided today to sign up!

    Anyways I just have a few q's about anavar that would be awesome if someone could answer them!

    First off I have been dieting for about 3 monthes (clean foods like tuna, chick breast, veggies fruits, oat meal, whole grains etc im sure you get the picture) and I also take whey protein (about 200 g of it) on days i work out...

    Now what i was wondering... Since I have been dieting and lifting weights for about 3 monthes do you think its a little early to be thinking about going on Anavar?

    Im mainly concerned just because I see everyone talking about Anavar but not really saying what weight or bf % its best to do it on...

    I dont really know my bf but I am 6'6 about 205 pounds (22 years old)
    Here are pics of me:

    Since i started my diet i lost about 25 pounds.... But I really want to kick it into "gear" and just get into shape while keeping my muscles....

    So with the shape I'm in and the diet I am on and the cutting i want to do... Will I achieve results that will be better then if I was off them? (I would definitely start with about 20/30 mg a day for a week or two to start forsure)

    Anyways thanks ahead of time!
    Last edited by mc_donkey; 07-26-2009 at 05:54 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Welcome to the forums. I'm new here but there is a wealth of knowledge here.

    I would say you need to keep training as you are for at least another 6 months before thinking of a cycle. This give you plenty of time to fine tune your diet and gain info regarding a cycle if you so choose to. Ask a ton of questions. Many people will tell you that Anavar isn't the best choice. I was thinking of doing this for my first cycle and have changed my mind since being on here thanks to the responses of other members.

    There is a thread with someone that did an Anavar cycle that is really good. You can read his ups and downs and see pics throughout the cycle. However, I'm sure most will agree with me on this that you need to get your bodyfat lower with diet and exercise.

    Good luck and keep up the work.

  3. #3
    Right on man...

    Thanks for the first reply and great post

    it was very informative

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Canada(Miss you Mom)
    Yuo would have been better to post something like this in a different area. This part of the forum is for gear pics and you will get a better response to your question in the new members forum where you can post up your stats!

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