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Thread: Organon Sustanon 250 Holland

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Organon Sustanon 250 Holland

    Hey, Im from Aus, i was overseas and thought id bring some goodies home for personel use Let me know if they are real or not? i believe they are real but rumors say some pharmacys also hold fake gear? Thanks!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DSC04302.JPG 
Views:	1993 
Size:	138.2 KB 
ID:	105184  

  2. #2
    good to go!!!

  3. #3
    hey mate. did you get those in a store over there?

    how many euros did you pay each amp?
    Last edited by jackaus; 02-04-2010 at 02:29 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    hey bro, i got them from lebanon, in beirut.
    Last edited by rj90; 02-05-2010 at 11:01 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Squating at the Curl Rack
    organon dont print labels on their amps, its digitally printed. Also, we dont talk prices on this board, but hell $7 us is a hell of a lot for one amp. I bought overseas for 1/3 that for a box of three amps.

    Oh and yeh organon are sold in boxs of three as well.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Mr.Rose, i think most if not all holland organon sustanon print labels on their amps. even looking at previous pics posted on this forum they are like this?
    anyway the price is not an issue if its legit! and trust me in australia u pay nearly 5 times that per amp. so im winning either way.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Squating at the Curl Rack
    true. thats why i dont buy locally in aus, i go overseas and bring some home, .

    Really? I would think that a legit company as big as organon can print digital labels for worldwide distribution.

    Best way to tell is that sus250 is really thick because of the high test content. In a 22-23-24 G pin it should be really hard to draw up and take 30 seconds plus. If it doesnt then it could be fake.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    yes really, take a look urself about sustanon 250 holland, all of them are like the ones i have purchased. And for being thick, yes it is really thick one of the thickest oil i have come across never used sustanon b4 only cypionate but definetly thick...

  9. #9
    hi again.

    did you have a special source over there or did you just go into a pharmacy?

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