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Thread: Help with fake or real dbol and winny

  1. #1

    Help with fake or real dbol and winny

    Okay i bought these dbol and winnie tab's both same color and markings, one side smooth nothing on it, other side one line going across, difference is, winnie is bigger, half of the winnie is basicall the size of the dbol...please help link to pic
    Last edited by toounlegit; 04-11-2010 at 09:25 PM. Reason: picture wasnt showing up

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    seen them before on a previous post i think their g2g but not 100sure

  3. #3
    do u know the dosages of either of them? i would love to know, and the guy i got them off of said d bol for first week 2 pills a day then jump on winnie for 3 times a day im not 100% sure if that is right yet, being that he is texting me in am with full results but i trust this guy he got me hgh last summer and IT WAS AMAZING, just looking to see if its LEGIT(please let me know guys) also how to take it for good size and gains, and what should i take pct, he said nothing cause he did it, and ran test the month afraid of gyno tho..

  4. #4

  5. #5
    update, winnie is big pill, d bol 3 times a day, winnie 2 times today next week stack, running dbol 3 times a day as soon as i know these are both legit any feedback please guys

  6. #6
    bump need infor please...

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Starbuck Em' and Fvck Em'
    the winny appears to be legit. did they not come in a bottle or anything?

  9. #9
    no just bag, same with dbol anybody know any details on this please

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    you show us some tabs that it could be anything! from vitamins to pressed flour

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