I orignially posted this in Q&A but i think this is a better spot!

Hey guys, recently purchased some clenbuterol/T3 to aid in a cut. I researched my source a fair bit online, and they seemed to be legit. The stuff has arrived and still no sides from 100mcg on my 4th day of usage.
Just by the way, i'm not using the T3 and think i will save it for a future anabolic cycle as the research i've done leads me to believe its not worth it as a natural.

Another scary aspect, is that one of the main articles i read attesting to my sources legitimacy was written by none other than 'anthony roberts' himself. Thats like a nightmare..


Those are a couple of attached pics, obviously i won't name my source, but a few experienced guys might beable to figure it out from the pictures.

The smell and taste of the clen is slightly sweet (like Liquorice).
The t3 has a very potent alcoholic smell.

edit: Its called 'liquiclen'. If i need to delete this, please let me know.

So, another novel, anyone care to hazard a guess at wether the stuffs legit or not?
I think i will continue to up the dosage, going 120 / 140 / 160, untill i feel sides. If the gears bunk, nothing to lose eh? Or is this a stupid idea..?