BIG-G's FULL supply, 50mg winnys broken in half, whats left of the 500 dbols, 4 10ml vials of t-enentat, 1 vial of deca 300, a bottle of prop and of course some clomid in the corner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BIG-G's FULL supply, 50mg winnys broken in half, whats left of the 500 dbols, 4 10ml vials of t-enentat, 1 vial of deca 300, a bottle of prop and of course some clomid in the corner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can i have some
I guess you got your stuff okay from ups. good luck on your cycle
nice !!!
Is that an "Enron" mouse pad?
With the exception of the birth control pills, It looks like you have quite a weekend lined up there.
Originally posted by schlong
With the exception of the birth control pills, It looks like you have quite a weekend lined up there.
nice little setup u got there.
u farkin bastard! LMFAOim speechless!
why the winnys in halfs?
I have NO idea, but I'm GUESSING it is either:Originally posted by Magicz
why the winnys in halfs?
A) So he can take 25mg twice a day.
B) He only wishes to take 25mg a day and not the whole 50mg.
common guys, u should know better. There 50mg tabs, 1/2 in the mornin,, 1/2 in the aft. or 8-12 hrs later. (blood levels concistent)
Nice big-g, wish I had some! hahahahaha
G.H.B. u want some winny's? Trade for q.v. prop 10ml? PM ME!
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