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Thread: ICN's smelling like olive oil?

  1. #1

    ICN's smelling like olive oil?

    I got some ICN's and I just took my first shot and I noticed the oil smelled and tasted a lot like olive oil or the way sesame seeds taste when you bite them. Anyway, I posted a pic of the amps and I was told they are probably real. What should test smell like?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Well, most gear uses pharmaceutical grade sterile sesame oil in the first place. Seriously.

    I understand only Italian gear uses olive oil. Just sprinkle some parmesan over the injection site and sterilize with some red wine.


  3. #3
    No really can I get a serious reply. What does the stuff usually smell like? I want to be on a ten week cycle of test enanthate, not olive oil.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    In Space Sunday Morning
    He's telling the truth about gear being made from sesame oil... I havent heard of ANY FAKES from ICN...So i would say you should have no problem...If ya really have doubts front load some and see if your sex drive goes up then you'll know for sure..and if its just oil no harm done!!SD

  5. #5
    first week of icn's at 750 i was fucking like a mad man!!!

  6. #6
    I've gained a lot of weight in a week so I'm guessing their real. The weight is definitly from the dbol. Incredible stregth gains too. A test/deca/dbol cycle seems to be just what the doctor ordered because I already feel better, bigger, and stronger.

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