i've purchased a bottle of 1000 thai pink dbol's, what worries me is the fact that i've read in several places on the net that production of this product stopped in 2010 due to legal issues, the batch i have was apparently manufatured on the 7th of february 2011, anyway i have pictures , can anyone can possibly confirm.
the second thing which worries me is the length and angle of the arrow on the tablet, it seems too short compared to others i've seen. The tablet is hard, chalky sweet tasting for a few seconds with a very bitter taste to follow.
the bottom of the bottle has something like 't200" written on it, i'm on a test e dbol cycle, doing 35mg dbol a day now on my 3rd week and only picked up about 1kg, the test e is def real since i've used it before and should only kick in around week 5 for me.
anyway the pictures will follow, does it look legit?
nb. the close up pics came out really blur, the actual pills are light pink, smooth and crisp edges/picture