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Thread: Questions regarding first cycle.

  1. #1

    Questions regarding first cycle.

    I am starting a cycle in two weeks, I have been researching a lot about the substances I will use. I still have some questions that I would like to clarify prior to starting it so I can do it correctly.
    Substances: Injectables: Test propionate, Stanozolol
    PCT(generics) Clomiphene citrate, Tamoxifen citrate
    I would like to start it by using 100mg of Stanozolol every other day and propionate 100-150mgs every other day as well.
    My PCT will be 7 weeks long according to one example I found online which will totalize around 1500mg of clomiphene and 1500mg of tamoxifen by the end of it. The PCT is not the problem.
    My nutrition and training will be appropriate and I have no questions regarding it.

    1- Arimidex is way to expensive for now. I would like to use some kind of anti estrogen or estrogen blocker DURING the cycle to prevent gyno, etc. Could I use Clomiphene or tamoxifen? How exactly?
    2-Should I inject stanozolol and winstrol in the same day or 1 on one day and the other one in the following since im doing them both every other day?

    Thank you for your answer, I really appreciate it.

  2. #2
    Yea I know I posted in the wrong forum, I have posted in the correct one now... Dunno how to delete this though.

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