Why so blurry
my phone cant take any clearer pics already tried but have you seen any legit vials like this
from the pic it looks like a shitty fake, there will be more alot fakes than legit of that around your area but you might be lucky and its faked by a ugl or then again it might just be oil
the guy who i buy it off supplied phil heath when he was in sydney.
the batch number of it is 527863 if that means anything
bro ive been through a few suppliars most of whom were fake, our country is the shittest for obtaining gear mate. Its 75% faked mate. Just shoot it and see.
ok ive been on it for around 5 days and noticed an increase in libido and acne so far.
oz has some great gear, but the thing is is its not cheap here to get the good stuff. i hate paying 2x 3x what i pay per amp in America.
also alot of teh ugl here run as vet grade gear so yeah it can be a bit daunting and confusing.
ok so its a UGL and not pharma
If someone tries to market a UGL product under a pharmaceutical name I wouldn't trust it at all - Schering Plough definitely don't make a product like that and I bet if you asked him straight out he'd say it was "rebottled". Yep unfortunately we get the shit end of the stick when it comes to gearI wouldn't trust it and certainly wouldn't be putting it in my body nor do I think Phil Heath would've either.
ok you guys are right its rebottled. but he gets 1ml amps of sust from Thailand and puts them into a 750ml wine bottle and then over here rebottles them. so far up 4kg in 2 weeks so its good stuff
gonna get your bloods done half way through?
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