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Thread: Real Test Prop?

  1. #1

    Real Test Prop?

    Not sure if its real. Although, I haven't had this many pimples since high school. Shot area is not that sore after either it just feels like a normal shot at the doctors.

    What do you think?
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    dude why are they in pdf files and so blurry?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Looks like your vial was in a colission with another vial

  4. #4
    That's cause there are little crystals in it. When the vial warms up the crystals go away

  5. #5
    what? I don't think that sounds me atleast "crystals"? ? ?

  6. #6
    I have read up on why that happens. I guess it has to do with it not being filtered all the way. So to remove the "crystals" without contaminating it people have been holding the vial in there hand for a few minutes before use to warm it up and the "crystals" go away. Some say since they are bigger particles it can hurt to inject but I have not felt any random pain. I also have some whinny from them too which I will post pics later.

  7. #7
    If the solution crystalizations its do to fluctuations in temperature. Keep your shit stored at room temperature. if it crashes, heat it up b4 injecting

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Why fake test??

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Looks like a rushed or overdosed long as the crystals go when heated, it should be k.

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