I need some help. I just finished a 5 week cycle of deca and test, i want to start another one of test and tren, should i wait a week or two to start with the tren and test or should i begin right away. Thank you.
I need some help. I just finished a 5 week cycle of deca and test, i want to start another one of test and tren, should i wait a week or two to start with the tren and test or should i begin right away. Thank you.
You should stop running anything until you do a little research and understand what you are doing.
Long esters such as deca are a complete waste for 5 weeks. Tren is not a beginer steroid
Lets start with
Training Experience?
Cycle Experience?
Im 28 years old, 198 lbs, 5.10". Not a steroid beginner just dont like to do long cycles, i dont wanna look too big. Also im planning to use arimidex for PCT. Any suggestions? I still dont know if i should start immediatly with the tren. Thanks
List your cycles you have run with compounds, dosage, and durations
Arimidex is not a PCT compound
Test 300 2 x week
Deca 200 2 x week
Total 5 weeks, over.
Id never recommend deca for a 5 week cycle... You'll only just start to feel the full effects then you'll stop..
What 'ester' is your test you'll be running ie. Propionate?
5 week cycle would work if you ran test suspension but i don't think i could handle the jab twice to three times a day id run outa muscles to use lol
Im already done with the 5 weeks, actually i felt the effect at the end of the second week. The test that i was using was enanthate. Im planning to do some tren called trenabol 250 and test enanthate 300. For 5 weeks also and that will be it.
Still need an opinion if i should wait a week or two before the next cycle, thank you anyone?
If your'e only going to be on for 5 weeks and you're dead set on it why don't you run a fast acting test like prop and an oral that will be in your system immediately? Besides there are milder compounds you can run if you don't want to get too big.
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