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Thread: 3 different types of Iranian test E?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006
    united kingdom

    3 different types of Iranian test E?

    i have recently purchased 60ml of iranian test e. yes i know its underdosed but still dose the job. this time though i had 3 styles of amp. the one on thhe far left is the older style which i pretty sure is real as i have used before. the right side i think is the newer sytle which my friend is running right now and growing like mad so i believe these are good to go. the one that looked strange to me is the middle one because it has the new logo with the date of the older style amps. all came in boxes with matching dates and batch number just the middle one could possibly be a fake? i have 30ml of the right, 15 of the left and 15 of the middle. i know some say its not accurate but i did a freezer test on all 3 all turned white in 10 minutes so i believe all the oils contain test. just asking if anyone knows anything
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    its all Aburaihan Test E, look most of TWC's do not have the best QAQC, I am sure this company has more than 1 supplier of Amps from most likely china, and this may be the reason for the different looking amps. I wouldnt worry to much about this as I use Cidoteston from Egypt and I have had it given to me directly from the CIDO van and half of the amps were a little different.

    No worries my man, again it is just a QA/QC problem.

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