ok i got this bottle from friend ofcourse, he tells me that they are not generic it is saizen. Ofcourse i am skeptical but say what the hell, i will try it . Besides i wanted to try hgh eventually. I have been all over the internet trying to find a picture of it and cannot which is why i posted it. I know the picture is blurry as hell but i just wanted to see if anyone had this type of bottle. i have actually been to the website of the company posted on the lable and they dont have it on there website (ofcourse a red flag goes up). Now i really wanted to know if these types of saizen bottles were ever faked or if the company ever made these. I ofcourse feel the typical sides associated with hgh but just like the chinese generics those can be faked to mimic hgh. Once again i know you cannot read the label just want to know if anyone knows for sure these typs are faked. thanks