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Thread: Couterfeit BD Test P

  1. #1

    Couterfeit BD Test P

    So I got counterfeit BD test P, this doesnt have to mean it doesnt contain test. So my question is if anyone has tried it and wether or not is worked.

    Im in a cycle right now, running test e. Kicked in in the 6th week, now in week 8 and it seems like only my first vial was legit. Side effects went away, strenght decreased and got a tintling feeling in my balls. So immidiately started stanozolol on 40 mg/day as im in a cut and cant be running fake gear on a suppressed testosterone. Now I increased my test e frm 500 to 750mg hoping it is underdosed, and going to switch my test e to test P in 2-3 weeks to finish my last 5-6 weeks of my cycle. Did the freezer test, which is not that trustworthy. Not much happened with the vial. Is there a way of being certain?

    Thanks in advance

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    get blood work done to see where your levels are at or have the vial sent out to get it tested

  3. #3
    Living in holland. There are no labs here that test steroids... Is there anyways you can be next to certain its real? test p should give severe injection pain right?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Frozenballs View Post
    Living in holland. There are no labs here that test steroids... Is there anyways you can be next to certain its real? test p should give severe injection pain right?

    depends on the lab that makes it actually. I get some test prop that is painless on injection so it all varies. Going and getting blood work done seems like your only viable option

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by chi View Post
    depends on the lab that makes it actually. I get some test prop that is painless on injection so it all varies. Going and getting blood work done seems like your only viable option
    Will do,,, how bad is it not running a PCT after a 6-8 week test e cycle 500-600mg/week? As I might be injecting straight oil right now, maybe the winny is fake aswell... Im 'quite' young, so you think this wont have too much of a negative effect if this is the case?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Frozenballs View Post
    Will do,,, how bad is it not running a PCT after a 6-8 week test e cycle 500-600mg/week? As I might be injecting straight oil right now, maybe the winny is fake aswell... Im 'quite' young, so you think this wont have too much of a negative effect if this is the case?
    of it is bad to not run a pct protocol after any cycle where you have suppressed your natural hormones. You do not know currently if what you have taken is real or not and thus the reason to go and get a lab done. Get a lab done and see what is going on

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