Hey guys,

Tomorrow will be week 7 of test e (500mg/12 weeks) and results haven't been as expected. Weight has gone up around 4kg within the 7 weeks with a 30mg d bol kickstart for the first 4 weeks, noticed considerable strength gains but all has halted since dropping off the d bol.

At 30mg of dbol , not many side effects were had, bloating and other estrogen related side effects were minimal, if not any. As for the test, i have had no sides so far, even at week 7. No acne, mood swings, swelling or pain from jabbing..not entirely sure on testicular dystrophy and as for strength and weight gain, it seems as if i am training naturally.

The lack of results begs the question, is my gear real, any help would be appreciated.

Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	140876
