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Thread: Going into week 6 of test e please read.

  1. #1
    thehor's Avatar
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    Going into week 6 of test e please read.

    So I am heading into week 6 of a test e only cycle of 500mg a week split 2 shots a week and so far ive been keeping an update every week of how everything is going. Started at 165 lbs and now I am currently at 178 lb body fat still the same and I have been eating about 3500 calories a day. I was working out 4 days a week before cycle and I upped it to 5-6 times a week. Side effects ive experienced are libido change, its like I have to have sex with my wife every day now lol, I always get morning wood. Had dry mouth and felt dehydrated at week 3 but all of that is going, I still sweat at night alot and due to it its a little hard to go to sleep, sometimes I I wake up from a deep slep soaked in sweat kind of like quieting alcohol or something like that lol.

    Now what is bothering me is that my lower back hurts alot now and I feel the reason is because I gain alot of strength over the last 2 weeks and kept pushing more weight on squats and on other workouts that strain lower back. If I stand for a bit I feel that tight feeling you get from working out you lower back alot and believe me I hate it. I have been putting ice on it for the last 3 days and have been taking ibuprofen as well. I am going to go back to only working out 4 days a week and lower the weight, hopefully this helps it get better by next week.

    But overall cycle has been good, been getting great pumps and lots of energy at the gym, my only concern is the lower back pain, if it does continue I will have to call this cycle quits on week7 or week 8 and start pct 2 weeks after last inject. Ill keep you guys posted, thx for the reply's.

  2. #2
    V-ROID's Avatar
    V-ROID is offline Member
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    Is it lower back pumps or does it feel like an injury? Have you tried handfulls of taurine? Lots of water of course...

  3. #3
    thehor's Avatar
    thehor is offline Member
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    Feels like pumps. Like when your muscle is to hard.

  4. #4
    Java Man's Avatar
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    I had lower back pain that was so severe that my doc put me on norco. This was during my 10yr hiatus from lifting, the last 2 years or so. I had xrays,CT's, and an MRI. There was nothing physically wrong with me. The doc knew I had trained hard in the past and suggested I start again - could be my back is just weak now and not used to carrying an extra 25lbs of fat on my belly. Yeah, he said that. he's cool

    Anyways, when I started training again I worked core only for about 2 months. Guess what happened? I'm no longer on pain killers and have zero pack pain.

    Moral of this story is that if youre certain the pain is not due to a structural injury, it's probably what you think it is - rapid increase in poundage on back staining lifts is outpacing your core development. I'd finish the cycle but lower the weight as you said. Focus on perfect form. You don't need to pile on the plates if you focus on strict form. Relatively light weight suddenly feels much heavier when you do that!
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  5. #5
    V-ROID's Avatar
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    Get some taurine. I have heard to start at 1 gram but have heard high as 10 grams. I think I was taking 5 grams with winny and it helped, but still had to stop. Works better for most people I think so definitely worth a shot.

  6. #6
    thehor's Avatar
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    Where can I pick some taurine at? Also my left testis always feel pain too I guess to much test lol.

  7. #7
    V-ROID's Avatar
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    You can get taurine almost anywhere for cheap, even gnc is pretty cheap. Your natty test is shutting down is why your balls ache. Next time maybe use some hcg . Hope your PCT is ready to go... Research the taurine, lots of info out there. Just google "back pump taurine".

  8. #8
    Java Man's Avatar
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    He's supposed to be running hcg ... If I recall, thehor researched and asked a lot of questions before taking the plunge and said he would use hcg.

    You using hcg mister?

  9. #9
    thehor's Avatar
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    Yea I am running hcg at 250iu 2 times a week.

  10. #10
    Java Man's Avatar
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    And your balls ache, but just the left one? Odd. And not because it's on the left... Maybe one of the ppl with a medical background will have some advice on that.

  11. #11
    V-ROID's Avatar
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    I have never ran hcg , but maybe bump it to 500 or maybe 3xw.

  12. #12
    thehor's Avatar
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    Yea I have been checked for hernia ect and everything always comes out fine. Yet when I have sex I feel a relief in pressure.

  13. #13
    Java Man's Avatar
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    You could try increasing the hcg a.bit. I had to play with dosing before I found a good one for me. 250iu e3d is a good starting point but each individual is going to respond differently. Libido ok? Ejaculate volume? Scrotum hanging as normal? If any seem off, I'd try 250iu eod or 500 2x/wk while on cycle. I tried 100iu ed which was pretty good but I got sick of doing it daily.
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  14. #14
    Emerald's Avatar
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    nice gains for 6 weeks...shit works hey? LOL! Back pain is normal, odd aches and pains youve never had, normal. Your pushing your body like never before, right. Each workout is hard and heavy? The beauty of crank is you recover from little nagging muscle tweaks and soreness much faster. Now joint pain is a different animal, I had terrible joint pain so back I couldn't train my biceps with any intensity for 2 months. Added some deca and I was freekin cured brothers, thats a fact. Im an old guy and my libido went through the roof. Id have sex with my wife and had to jerk off at 5 am. I was insatiable. Im under control now, but enjoy it, wont be forever.
    thehor and Java Man like this.

  15. #15
    thehor's Avatar
    thehor is offline Member
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    Emerald is deca a good mix with test e? I was considering doing a deca and test e cycle next year.

  16. #16
    aussie made's Avatar
    aussie made is offline Associate Member
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    Deca and test are really good together. Great for your joints to. As for your back. Are you training your abs? And how often? I use to get bad back pain and it wasn't until I trained my core often it went away. Strong core takes pressure off your back I've found.
    Java Man likes this.

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