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  1. #1
    porter321's Avatar
    porter321 is offline New Member
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    These all Legit?

    Recently purchased these from a hook up in a hardcore gym in North Hollywood, CA. Plenty of huge bodybuilders at my gym so I know that legit stuff is floating around. Just want to make sure this stuff is legit too.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails These all Legit?-photo-5.jpg   These all Legit?-photo-1.jpg   These all Legit?-photo-4.jpg   These all Legit?-photo-3.jpg   These all Legit?-photo-2.jpg  

  2. #2
    EasyDoesIt's Avatar
    EasyDoesIt is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I don't know about them, but each oil has a different level which probably says something about where they were brewed.

  3. #3
    mietek is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by porter321 View Post
    Recently purchased these from a hook up in a hardcore gym in North Hollywood, CA. Plenty of huge bodybuilders at my gym so I know that legit stuff is floating around. Just want to make sure this stuff is legit too.
    test is easy to check long time ago I would inject and I would go for a blood test, from the level in my blood I would know if it is close to for example 200 mg/ml

  4. #4
    porter321's Avatar
    porter321 is offline New Member
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    so has anyone heard of "Growth Laboratories?"

  5. #5
    porter321's Avatar
    porter321 is offline New Member
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    Click image for larger version. 

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    Ok, here is the HCG that I've got. Obviously looks Chinese... Anyone seen this before? My other question is how do I access the bacteriostatic water in these weird glass vials???

  6. #6
    EasyDoesIt's Avatar
    EasyDoesIt is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Make sure the water is bacteriostatic water and not sodium chloride. You can take a cutter and saw the ampule a little bit at the smallest part of the ampule towards the top. then break it off quickly. It should be a mixture of 5 cc's ml of water for 5,000iu's. Most of those never come with bac water. If it is 2.5 cc/ml of water then dose everything in half. Do not mix it until you are ready to start your cycle and start using it. Once refrigerated keep it in a dark container or something to keep light from hitting it. It won't kill it if you don't but it will retain better potency. It's 250iu's 2 x per week during cycle.

    HCG: Why you should use it on-cycle only & how to prepare your hCG for injections

  7. #7
    Phoenix18's Avatar
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    I have that same hcg and those other glass vials are not BAC water they are sodium chloride. Just google BAC water... You can buy it online very easily

  8. #8
    EasyDoesIt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenix18 View Post
    I have that same hcg and those other glass vials are not BAC water they are sodium chloride. Just google BAC water... You can buy it online very easily
    How do u like that hcg ?

  9. #9
    porter321's Avatar
    porter321 is offline New Member
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    thanks for the info! what happens if you mix it with the soldium chloride? why do they bother giving you sodium chloride if that's not the way it should be mixed?

  10. #10
    Phoenix18's Avatar
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    Seems legit so far. I keep forgetting to grab a P-test for it to make sure.

  11. #11
    EasyDoesIt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by porter321 View Post
    thanks for the info! what happens if you mix it with the soldium chloride? why do they bother giving you sodium chloride if that's not the way it should be mixed?
    You have to ask the guys that made it, jk - i really don't know why they do that. I believe it lasts longer with bac water. They never give you enough anyways if you want to measure 250iu's for more exact measurement will need 5cc bac water. If you use 2.5cc you would injet 1.25iu's which is a little harder to measure.

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