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Thread: Thailand testolic and organon sustanon legit?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Thailand testolic and organon sustanon legit?

    So I'm about 8th week into 500mg test only cycle and my bloodwork taken on Monday showed my serum test as only 1178. This show that either my testolic is fake or testolic and/or sustanon is underdosed. My cycle started with sustanon and I switched to testonlic about 3 weeks ago. Someone please help me.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    People usually take prop every other day. But your vials are 100mg each. Are you taking 5 vials a week? Or are you taking 2 one day, 1 two days later, then 2 again two days later? I am just trying to figure out how you are doing 500 per week with 100ml vials? Test is typically not hard to make and when it is packaged in vials, I cant imagine going through the hassle to professionally packaging it like that and then giving you something fake. I have seen vials like that with less than 1ml, which proved they can suck on occasion.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Oki-Des View Post
    People usually take prop every other day. But your vials are 100mg each. Are you taking 5 vials a week? Or are you taking 2 one day, 1 two days later, then 2 again two days later? I am just trying to figure out how you are doing 500 per week with 100ml vials? Test is typically not hard to make and when it is packaged in vials, I cant imagine going through the hassle to professionally packaging it like that and then giving you something fake. I have seen vials like that with less than 1ml, which proved they can suck on occasion.
    I take 150mg eod. I just draw two syringes from 3 amps at once, that way I have one ready to go next shot.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Just checked my records and it had been 23 days without sust when I took bloodwork, so I'm guessing the prop at least has something in it. I quite using these prop amps for my current cycle and decided to finish with other stuff.

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