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Thread: ***NEW*** LABMAX Results Pharmacy vs. Balkan ***READ ME****

  1. #1
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    ***NEW*** LABMAX Results Pharmacy vs. Balkan ***READ ME****

    OK guys, here is my side by side Labmax test results comparing my pharmacy Test Cyp 200mg/ml that i use for my TRT compared to Balkan Test C 200mg/ml. The first photo just shows all the materials setup so there was no cross contamination or anything of that sort. I used a timer on the ipad to just give a rough idea of how long the product had been tested for. It's not completely accurate though because there was about 20 seconds between filling the test samples on the left vs the right. It's just there to gauge an approximate time of how long the product had been in the testing environment. I placed 2 drops in each vial to try to be as even as possible.

    My findings: When I placed the first drops of my TRT gear the color change was almost instant and turned to a reddish color right away. When I added the drops of the Balkan gear to the test kit I was less than excited. Watching the two change side by side was actually VERY disappointing. Seeing the Balkan on the right is nowhere near the color of the Pharmacy grade. My first reaction is that the gear is either severely underdosed or bunk. I was a bit disappointed to say the least.

    However, the UV light is the Tell-All when it comes to testing. I'm using the Labmax supplied light for the tests. When you look at the first photo of the UV light it is actually my pharmacy gear. It glows a little bit but really not all that much. It's a little hard to see in the pictures but there is def. a glow to it but nothing crazy. Then, I run the balkan stuff under the UV light and it's neon green. This thing is glowing like no tomorrow. Now, I'm happy because it's CLEAR this is not bunk gear.

    My conclusion is 2 fold. I def. feel 100% confident in saying the Balkan Test Cyp is 100% legit without question. My other conclusion is that the Labmax kit is severely flawed and can EASILY give mixed reviews. There are too many variables with the kits and until they can come out with a kit that is like a home pregnancy test that shows it is positive for "X" substance it is simply an extra tool we can use but isn't flawless.
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  2. #2
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    My conclusion; our gear is loaded with metals and half assed hormone powders that give semi random & odd results

  3. #3
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    My conclusion; our gear is loaded with metals and half assed hormone powders that give semi random & odd results
    Man I so think this may be the case and it is very disturbing.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup
    Man I so think this may be the case and it is very disturbing.
    Or slightly mixed/contaminated raws

    Like the mast I'm on now - it's real alright. But, it looks like mast enan under regular light. Yet, glows like toxic waste under the UV light. According to the LabMax chart it's not supposed to glow like this. Yet it does & regular light checks out.

    We're pumping mystery oil - my biggest concern is how cancergenic is it. Or what other long term organ damage will it do.

    After all the recent research, now I know what I can get as Pharma gear is nothing more than counterfeit crap. I can't even get true pharmaceutical test :/
    Last edited by < <Samson> >; 11-12-2014 at 08:18 AM.

  5. #5
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    there is nice glow in the first, so it is good gear

    there is no glow in the Balkan, so it is bunk

    and under day light you see that there is almost no reaction in the vials with balkan

    here is a picture from labmax site, the fist is bunk bold, just oil inside, looks like your Balkan, nothing inside, the second good bold

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by mietek; 11-12-2014 at 08:22 AM.

  6. #6
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    When I first got into this lifestyle I thought it was crazy dangerous. Then, as time went by I didn't think it was really all that dangerous. Then, as more time went by I'm back to thinking just how dangerous this game is. Who knows what we're risking just to have big muscles and a better physique.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by mietek View Post
    there is nice glow in the first, so it is good gear

    there is no glow in the Balkan, so it is bunk

    and under day light you see that there is almost no reaction in the vials with balkan

    here is a picture from labmax site, the fist is bunk bold, just oil inside, looks like your Balkan, nothing inside, the second good bold

    Click image for larger version. 

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    The pictures uploaded here in the wrong order. The vial that is glowing like crazy is actually the Balkan gear and the other vial is my script. The script def. glows but not to the same extent as the Balkan gear.

  8. #8
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    This is the Balkan Gear:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  9. #9
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    I am confused what was the color under UV for your TRT.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by mietek View Post
    I am confused what was the color under UV for your TRT.
    It was greenish but didn't glow anywhere near what the Balkan did.

  11. #11
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    That's why I think the Labmax is so flawed.

  12. #12
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    The long term dangers are what give me worries

    I think elicit drugs can be less damaging to our long term health than the gear that we pump. Of course not on the same level & not many people may understand. But, what's in our gear? Is it slowly building up in our body like metals?

    I don't know - I don't think anyone does. But, the only way to tell is when you actually see the effects. Oh shit, 10 years later my liver is shutting down - immediate negatives are nothing like the possibility of long term damage.

    Best that I have done is pull back on my gear use very hard. I am running much lower doses - still get quite good results though.

    What else can I/we do? Stop? We can't get true Pharma gear - 99% of people who say they can are full of donkey shit. Get me Pharma tren & we'll talk. Or even the stuff that's available - it's 95% if not more counterfeit. You think these mega fake ass source sites just sell real Pharma gear? Fvck no - it's fake as hell

    I am working on getting Pharma gear. But, haven't gotten far - 3rd world country Pharma gear doesn't sound like it's all that much better than UGL. I was thinking of getting test from Mexico(real Mexico, not border trash). But, where is that shit made? It's not FDA regulated - how much cleaner is a Pharmaceutical company in Mexico compared to a UGL? - who fvcking knows.

  13. #13
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    so you have the same color under UV, I do not think that there any flow with labmax, it simply reacted to different composition of the gear.

    since you have greenish fluorescence on both so both are pass.

    under UV is the real test, so since both look the same so both contain test cyp.

  14. #14
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Come on guys all this talk about labmax shit, just don't buy any UGL or anything what's not approved in your country, seek pharm grade its not that hard to find. Once you use it you will notice the difference stop fuking around with all this shit and just buy 100% gear and forget about testing.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Come on guys all this talk about labmax shit, just don't buy any UGL or anything what's not approved in your country, seek pharm grade its not that hard to find. Once you use it you will notice the difference stop fuking around with all this shit and just buy 100% gear and forget about testing.

    I am still waiting for my Pharma tren

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    I am still waiting for my Pharma tren
    why on earth would you want tren for ?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    why on earth would you want tren for ?


  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Come on guys all this talk about labmax shit, just don't buy any UGL or anything what's not approved in your country, seek pharm grade its not that hard to find. Once you use it you will notice the difference stop fuking around with all this shit and just buy 100% gear and forget about testing.
    so which pharmacy do you go to the Big Ben or Buckingham Palace ?

    stop talking nonsense that there are tons of pharma grade, do you think that pharmaceutical companies sell in the black market.

    of course there is some in circulation but a limited number, it is controlled substance and you do not get it in the candy store.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by mietek View Post
    so which pharmacy do you go to the Big Ben or Buckingham Palace ?

    stop talking nonsense that there are tons of pharma grade, do you think that pharmaceutical companies sell in the black market.

    of course there is some in circulation but a limited number, it is controlled substance and you do not get it in the candy store.
    Don't talk stupid, you do some research and find a source what deals with pharmacies direct or companies what have the ability to get the goods out of the manufacture. Its not that hard in the UK maybe in your country is it but from many of us in the uk there are loads around. Oh and by the way it legal in the UK to have in your possession

  20. #20
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    I have just go pharma grade Norma Hellas one of the most counterfeit companies sold as the real deal.

    It contained 50 mg/ml of test enan,

    You think that you buy pharma grade but in fact you get some underdosed shit.

  21. #21
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    I've seen this lab max crap a million times lately. It gives different results everytime. Very unreliable. Get good gear and quit stressing on the damn lab max. Bloodwork is a lot moe reliable.

  22. #22
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    The UK is quite dif than the US

    All the crap we got out here is either UGL or who knows what passing through a half dozen people's hands

    Yet, the real deal is sitting at a pharmacy that we have no way of obtaining

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mp859 View Post
    I've seen this lab max crap a million times lately. It gives different results everytime. Very unreliable. Get good gear and quit stressing on the damn lab max. Bloodwork is a lot moe reliable.
    if you test crap then you get crap, you just do not know how to use the test. I see dealers who sell a lot of bunk gear trying to discredit the test all the time.

    If you have good gear then you get expected results, if you have a lot of shit inside then you get different results everytime, it is simple like this.

    I have been using this test for at least two years with good results.

    If you want to test on your liver nobody is stopping you.

  24. #24
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    I do agree - if we're testing pure gear, the test will be very conclusive & have results looking like they're supposed to

    Now - if there's additives(metals, other hormone powders or any other odd added shit) the test will look skewed

    Skewed results is what we're seeing - there's other crap in our gear. It's factual info, not an opinion.

    Come on - If I ran a illegitimate business, it would be how I see fit. Fvck were running low on powder xxx, throw in powder yyy. Who gives a shit - it's juice anyway

    Look at that YouTube video I posted a while back. It really shows what we're shooting - UGL = whatever we feel like selling you

    Don't get me wrong, there is decent UGL gear. Shit, I'm on it now - but is it truly what we think it is? If you think so, I have a few gallons of super test 500 to sell you. It's all whatever - zero regulations

  25. #25
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    According to the lab max,under the uv light, the pharmacy grade test wasn't as good as the Balkan. So how is lab max accurate?

  26. #26
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    I'm not the one who tested it, I can't say. I only speak of what goes through my own personal hands.

    With what I have tested it gave me a good idea of what I have. I tested each compound twice - same results.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mp859 View Post
    According to the lab max,under the uv light, the pharmacy grade test wasn't as good as the Balkan. So how is lab max accurate?
    I have not seen all the pictures, the one I see has good fluorescence, the other one no fluorescence. It was not performed by trained chemist.

    Labmax is approved to be used and used by LE, customs, police etc.

    just read the manual and do not repeat nonsense after some people who do not understand the test

    here is a link

    approve by State of Virginia you see on the bottom mentioned ampules B

    So am I supposed to trust some nonsense spread by people like you or should I trust the State (government lab) which approved the test

  28. #28
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    I think what's weird about the test results is that the Pharmacy gear came out exactly as it should without the UV light yet the Balkan gear didn't really pass that portion. However, the opposite can be said for the UV light testing.

    I also didn't post this to create a pissing contest about if Labmax is good or bad. I only posted to show what my results came up as. I'm also not a chemist and have not been trained in diagnosing these results. Just showing what I came up with.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolPete33 View Post
    I also didn't post this to create a pissing contest about if Labmax is good or bad.
    each day some idiot will end up in emergency room after testing some crap on his liver, labmax is the first line of defence and real game changer for people who did not know what they injected before.

    you should not spread controversy about test which is reliable,

    I have been using this test for a long time and it is really great tool to protect you from all kinds of shit sold by scammers

    I have not injected any bunk gear since I have been using labmax

  30. #30
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    Is the UV really the tell all? From what I understand Labmax is double test system simple pass or fail. The pharm stuff definitely passed the color reaction in normal light...the Balkan stuff really didnt. Test C is supposed to be orange red in normal light. Under UV the pharm stuff also passed...right? Even though it did'nt glow much it was still the right color I assume. The Balkan stuff also passed under uv with a good glow. The pharm stuff passed both tests....can't say the same for the Balkan stuff.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elias0086 View Post
    Is the UV really the tell all? From what I understand Labmax is double test system simple pass or fail.
    all is important test enan and test p looks the same except initial color in vial A, this is how you see the difference

    what you seen under day light first is the first good or bad sign.

    I have been using this test for a long time so I have some good experience and I also talk to other guys to exchange info on the test.

    it is a good test and it takes some time to learn and do not repeat some nonsense after some guys who never used this and have a lot to say.

  32. #32
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    I agree its a good test. The pharm grade test c passed without a doubt in both daylight and uv but did the Balkan pass with the labmax? It pretty much failed the color reaction in daylight but passed the uv with good glow.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by mietek View Post

    approve by State of Virginia you see on the bottom mentioned ampules B

    So am I supposed to trust some nonsense spread by people like you or should I trust the State (government lab) which approved the test
    To those who doubt labmax you can't argue this.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elias0086 View Post
    To those who doubt labmax you can't argue this.
    people doubt because they do not understand this test, when I got my hands for the first time on this test I was not sure what to do with it.

    a few idiots from local moron assembly tested some gear on their livers and had to visit emergency room.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by mietek View Post
    people doubt because they do not understand this test, when I got my hands for the first time on this test I was not sure what to do with it.

    a few idiots from local moron assembly tested some gear on their livers and had to visit emergency room.
    Why do you keep saying labmax determines how safe a vial is? Does the test provide this information? If so id be more interested in it.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2iron View Post
    Why do you keep saying labmax determines how safe a vial is?
    To an extent I believe it does. The labmax test tells you if a single steroid compound is present by displaying the correct color reactions. If during the test the color reactions fail it could be a result of contaminants, different steroid, or mixtures of steroid compounds. I would think a passed test would be a lot safer than a failed one. Unless its prescription why would a person become a lab rat? Especially with ugl

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2iron View Post
    Why do you keep saying labmax determines how safe a vial is? Does the test provide this information? If so id be more interested in it.
    I am not chemist or not even close but I understand a few things, I also remember a few things from chemistry courses .

    If your vial contains only oil + BB + BA + steroid it will react exactly with the colors you see on the picture. Anything else will give different reaction (different colors), it is simple like that.

    I have been user of this test for a long time and it helps me a lot to avoid junk and other shit sold by scammers.

    Before I was like you and the rest of the people I did not have clue and I did not understand the test it took a while to learn it.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by mietek View Post
    I have just go pharma grade Norma Hellas one of the most counterfeit companies sold as the real deal.

    It contained 50 mg/ml of test enan,

    You think that you buy pharma grade but in fact you get some underdosed shit.
    That's because you don't know where to source proper pharm from, in my country its pretty easy to obtain and once you sample pharm grade there's no going back.

  39. #39
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    I recently tested some test-e from Sciroxx, supposedly sent to me as a replacement for other bad gear. The a-b results were yellow like the Balkan photos here, and it had a nice blue glow for the UV results similar to the Balkan as well. I posted the results on another board and called it a pass.

    Later, HPLC tests showed the only hormone it contained was 2mg/ml tren e. The yellow a-b results make it a fail, despite the UV glow.

    The UV in the TRT Pharma result is pretty misleading in the pic if it's really dosed correctly. It looks like bunk in the pic.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by flenser View Post
    Later, HPLC tests showed the only hormone it contained was 2mg/ml tren e. The yellow a-b results make it a fail, despite the UV glow.

    this is why you use all colors, if there is a fail in a-b under day light then I guess it is fail.

    maybe very low concentration of tren glows blue, I am not sure.

    like with test enan it is yellow with very low and blue-greenish with proper dose

    on other hand I have seen a lot of GC, HPLC results which were unclear, done by somebody inexperienced and some even faked by dealers.

    I have learnt on the boards that you can trust nobody.
    Last edited by mietek; 11-13-2014 at 09:33 AM.

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