What do you guys think? Legit or Bulls**T
What do you guys think? Legit or Bulls**T
Hmmmm! hard to tell where's the box?![]()
Here is another .....anybody?
Are they from Norma or Organon?
Are they 1oomg/ml or 50mg/ml?
I can't quite make out the writting!
They are the 200mg 2ml by norma .....they all seem legit but the one has a slightly clearer color to it...... i got them from pharmagroup....i know many dont like that place but its the only place i can get it from.....what do you think of pharmaeurope?
I think they are selective scammers!
I thought the one vial looked a diferent colour?
They do look like norma's to me, hope there ok!, i've got a 100 on the way? I'll let you know!
this will be my first cycle really.....i have d-bol and deca...waiting till i get my clomid.....ive been researching for about a year now and i feel im confident enough....i even have "someone" who is qualified to give the injections ... so i feel pretty safe ...my only question is ...can that clearer one could hurt me? any precautions?
Looks good bro.
Look good, i beleive the fakes have square corners, yours are rounded off, so should be good stuff.
They look fine to me mate. I have plenty of info on the board here regarding fake Norma's, and Dutch Windmill is another great source of info and pix who's opionion I always respect on this board and others.
Thanks for your guys' help!![]()
Originally posted by Bouncer AKA bouncer
They look fine to me mate. I have plenty of info on the board here regarding fake Norma's, and Dutch Windmill is another great source of info and pix who's opionion I always respect on this board and others.
Well said, bro, as I have come to both bouncer and dutch on this subject matter numerous times.They look fine to me mate. I have plenty of info on the board here regarding fake Norma's, and Dutch Windmill is another great source of info and pix who's opionion I always respect on this board and others.
My 2 concerns: Color variations are expected and generally ignored from lot to lot. However, color variations within identical lots concern me. Perhaps too skeptical, but this is the first cv I've seen w/in identical lots and probably produced within minutes/hours of each other.
I have come across several variations of "non-factory originals" over the past 2 years, which could be construed as "fake", and also "factory originals", meaning authentic and genuine.
This is the first batch or encounter that I have seen that the expiration date is above the lot # (if looking head on, put vial on its side) Of all the "factory originals" and "non-factory" originals that I currently have in my possession, in other words a mixture of "real" and "fake", ALL have lot #'ers above the expiration.
Is my observation valid, bro's?? Is there no correlation between placement of expir. and lot # and authenticity?
At any rate, non-factory originals that I have were produced in Turkey under Copyright infringement. They tested to contain 100mg/ml decanoate. However, for purity, and quality, they received "below average" while the true originals, of course, received at least a "standard" or "above standard" score. If someone wants details of this report that a friend subsidized for me, email me for further clarification.
Has anyone ever encountered a truly "bogus" filled Norma Hellas full of nothing?? Just wondering, have not seen one yet.
Much respect, bro's!!! ....speak soon
Well Planetx
You are right with the lot# placing I myself however have a couple of the same Normas this guy has posted with a different lot# and exp-date. I think its just another new style of stamping. The viscosity (sp?)(thickness) of the fluid is exactly the same and the vials match perfectly both label and shape.
I think it is a legit version. The color is however more yellowish than I ever had, but I dont think thats important.
I have once came across the bogus Norma with the square edges and you vould see by the thickness of the fluid that it was fake (counterfeit) no labtests were done.
Cheers Planetx and speak you soon
Dutch, I am not saying you are wrong about your latest observation regarding placement of expiration vs. lot #. But do me this favor, check out your "factory original authentic" pic at the bottom ofThen, quickly glance back to the top picture at this thread. Even the paper thickness is not even close. If we could put side to side, it would be apples to oranges, IMO.http://www.anabolicreview.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4195
Finally, (pic 1 of thread) is the vial on the right suffering from smudge marks indicating ink, or hell, even pencil for that matter,as the expiration? OK, may be a bit over-exaggerated
Even with this said, you say you "think" it is real. Much respect my friend, that is reasonable doubt enough for me. Thus, this case remains open for further investigation. Speak soon. Adjourned!
a photocomposition.
I put ht e pics next to eachother and the only difference you see is in the date and the lot#. I've even seen them without the lot -text in front of the number. And have spoken with Norma-Man about this subject ==> 100% legit
Speak you soon bro![]()
Not only a Norma expert and general good bro, but an IT techie, as well!!!![]()
Photoshop is the key bro
I have Normas with lot 12601, 12602 and 12603 in my posession at the moment, all 100% legit. I just wished the factories did not change their labeling styles so often, it makes some bros worry, but on the other hand its perfectly good to stay ahead on the counterfeiters
Speak soon bro.
so bottom line it for me fellas...im lost?
Your good to go bro![]()
They look legit bro I have some really clear photos that i have taken of deca I will post them soon but yours look good
I agree, They look good to me exept one does look way darker than the other and that kinda freaks me out... Why does one look darker?![]()
This thread is 3 years old!Originally Posted by E.ZEE
lol newb!
(score one more post for me)
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