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Thread: Mixed reviews- I need a definite answer on Sustenon

  1. #1

    Mixed reviews- I need a definite answer on Sustenon

    First of all, Im a newbie member, and this site has been very helpfull!!!

    But I have a major dilema---PLEASE HElP

    I purchased Oss Holanda Sust- I have had it before and i know it was real - It had straight corners on the label, It had no period after the (ml) at the top of the amp, and it was very thick....and the label was very hard to ge off of the amp(almost impossable)

    Now I Have purchased oss Holanda again and I have the exact opposite. It has curved corners, a period after the ml., and it isn't as thick, and the lable is easier to get off the amp.

    I have heard mixed reviews on this topic, does this make it fake???
    Has anyone tried this Sust. and had success??

    the Batch #'s on the amps read:
    Val. ate': 2007-06
    Lote: 488823
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	sust 005.jpg 
Views:	185 
Size:	22.2 KB 
ID:	29056   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	sust 006.jpg 
Views:	161 
Size:	21.3 KB 
ID:	29057  

  2. #2

    sustenon 250

    i have the same ones. i haven't noticed anything yet. nobody seems to know for sure if they are real or not.

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