Here are some pics of my Winny, it looks pretty much like the real deal to me. See how it separates from the water when left standing for a while?
Here are some pics of my Winny, it looks pretty much like the real deal to me. See how it separates from the water when left standing for a while?
A good close up of the separation of the steroid and water.
The one on the left is shaken... one on the right, not stirred.
Ha, I kill myself.
You can read the label pretty clearly here. Winstrol Depot, Stanozolol, 50mg, 1 mL, Zambon S.A. That's it, hope you all enjoy.
looks pretty legit to me bro.... how much did that run you ?
Cost me $19 an amp. I guess you have to pay a lot to make sure you get the real shit. But according to this site, the average black markert price is from $15-$22 so I'm guessing it's about right.
Come into the USA for about 8-9 USD, with no minimum order, Would venture to say some get cheaper for larger quantities.
I'd say 15USD has been the average the past 2-3 years, the past year a slight increase of 16-18USD. 19USD -20USD and beyond is high, even for USA, IMO. But as I've always said, gear is only too expensive if the next door neighbor has the same suppply and is a 1.00 cheaper, not always likely.
Thanks planetx, I'll shop around next time![]()
Hey, since you seem to know some about prices on the BM, how much would you venture to guess a 10 mL vial of deca 300 would run me? Price my source gave me right now is around $200- $225 I think. Thanks, bro...
Point A, USA sources, IMO would sell this product for 120-130 for a decent profit. Point B, USA sellers would sell for 160-190. Point C and higher are getting high, IMO, at up to 225USD.
But realistically, USA bros will pay 300 a pop. Perfectly acceptable to some even in MD container.
Man how about 120 for ten thats what I paid. It pays to have a good buddy!
You suck... now I feel like I got a raw deal.
It's all good though... I'm sure the extra I paid went for a good cause, like charity.
Then I'm not going to tell you what I got my Zambons for... yes I will! $240 for 40 amps, use your algebra skills. hehehe
I hate you all.![]()
$19 an amp?![]()
You got raped. But at least the stuff is legit. When it boils down to it....That's all that matters...
Holy crap i have never bought winney amps just viles but if ya look at it this way i get an amazing deal compared to what u are buying it for.
I pay 250.00 for a 30 ml vile of winney 50 mg str
if i worked it out with how much u are paying for 1 ml it would be
19 X 30 ml = 570 dollars. what a freaken rip off.
I am gettinf pissed off just hearing about
fuck go kick the Fu*K out of youre source if he wont giveyou any refund!!! or a better deal.
Fuck i would!!!!!!![]()
Prices will always vary and they vary greatly on how big your sources last batch was.For example if he got 10k rather than 1k the 10k would be cheaper per unit and most pass this saving on when they do get it.
Its better to pay a bit more and know what you have is legit than pay $15 and find it is shit
7.00 an amp!
I dunno... I know the shit I have is real. I may have paid a bit more than the usual but all it boils down to is that it's the real deal. I'm attempting to get rid of it so I can get my money back and buy perhaps a bit more. The hardest thing for me though is that I can't find sources. I live in New Orleans, but I am brand new at this. I'm sure being pretty close to Mexico, there is AS floating all around down here. Finding them is the problem. So my guess is that I got my Winstrol after it was passed down and sold like 5 times, and with each person, the price went up. Oh well... bottom line, I have it and it is authentic.
7.00 an amp?!!?? holy shit! where the hell can i find that?!!
probably not from all the scammers that will be emailing you after reading this post.
Originally posted by BIG_JDAWG
7.00 an amp?!!?? holy shit! where the hell can i find that?!!
Looks like the hunting season just opened up on Big JDawg.
Originally posted by kizer_soce
probably not from all the scammers that will be emailing you after reading this post.
You guys kill me!
fif the great,
I feel your pain, i live in BR and it sucks buying gear down here. Good luck bro, and don't worry, I've paid outrageous prices here too.
got mine for 12/amp
I think going price is $6-7 for international and $8-9 domestic. probably cheaper on bulk.
Those amps are the old ones you got there but they are LEGIT !
Anyone notice the date on this thread!?![]()
Haha **** i didnt see that.....Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
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