This is my favorite exercise and i just wanted to know how everyone is on it. I want to see how compare to others my age.
im 17 and i got 550 for one rep is my best. I come up when parallel, when the coach says up.
This is my favorite exercise and i just wanted to know how everyone is on it. I want to see how compare to others my age.
im 17 and i got 550 for one rep is my best. I come up when parallel, when the coach says up.
**** good bro, what the hell are they feeding you kids these days. i am a college football player for a team here in FL, i am a linebacker I weigh 255 at 6' and i squat around 605. if you are going parallel then thats **** good bro, keep up the good work.
How much can you do a$$ to the floor with?
Parallel is good enough for me or a little below. Ive done as s to the floor squats sometimes but i have never maxed out on them, i have to save my knees for football.![]()
sorry to dispute the validity of this claim but i just find it hard to believe that a 17 yr old kid is putting up numbers like that. what are your stats, how tall, weigh, etc?
never maxed out...on sat. I reped 405lbs 5x5
These are good numbers...605...3reps...keep up the good work...peaceOriginally Posted by Squatman51
I am 6,1 235lbs. This is my favorite exercise and i love working legs like crazy. I work them with much intensity and even puked a couple of times from the workouts. My lower body exercise numbers are good such as squat deadlift, leg press, ect but my upper body needs some help so that is what im working hard on.Originally Posted by houseofpain
Last edited by GreatGuns; 05-08-2004 at 09:18 PM.
well its quite possible that you put up those numbers but that is a lot of weight. if you are telling the truth than congrats and keep up the good work.
Guy's....This is a big kid 6'1 235lbs....We had a guy at our high school 6' 285lbs that did 685lbs max squat. Ronnie's new video shows him pushing way more than 585 with 2300lbs on tha leg press...peace
well im dedicated as hell. I have been lifting since 13 and seriously since about 14 1/2. I do lots of research and different routines so my legs never get use to one thing. When most of my friends are out partying i am working out or running. If i dont finish what i want to finish that day, i will stay home to finish it and i make sure i dont miss meals at least 5-8 a day. I just want to be all-ohio in football and that has always been my dream to make it far, so i just work to my fullest ability.
Im guessing you did this squat while using m1t. Am I correct?
i respect what you people have to say since this is only a board and i have no proof of doing things that i say, but i think there is no reason to lie or exxagerate. I will say now that my bench isnt good for my size. I got 225 for 6 last week and that is my best set of 6 i have gotten.
yes i did sqaut this when on m1t. I dont know if i will use any pro hormones anymore since i am young. I have use animal stak once and m1t once. Do you think this is too young of an age for this?
Good job, I could believe you, Im 19 5'6 210lbs. I love the squat and it shows on my 28in thighs. I never max out because i dont think that the risk to injury out weighs any possible ego-boosting number i can gloat about. That being said last monday (leg day) I put up 455lbs for 10 reps. do you have any pics that may quiet any doubters here?![]()
yea i can take some if you want, but how do you get them on here?,i have a scanner and everything for my computer
To get a pic on a board you just post like you would normally, scroll down to where it says manage attatchments, there you can upload the image from your computer.
Originally Posted by Squatman51
out of curiosity if your 17 why is your birthday listed as 1983?
congrats bro i beleive you, you have pretty strong legs. i have legs as my weakest bodypart.![]()
wheres that at? i am not to good at this stuff.Originally Posted by DARKSEID
ok there ya go its right now
dam after hearing what you guys put up i feel like a little school girl, i usually squat with 2 45's on each side
I am 210lb and squat 495 3 sets of 6, failed on my last rep friday so really 2 sets of 6 and one set of 5. scary though my partner couldnt grab it up because he is shorter than me and when it went to the pins in the rack, he pulled it back and the pins fell out, the whole gym ran over to the rack and helped me thank god!! I am a little scared now to use his help anymore, I will make sure to have two spotters thursday when i max out!
ill try to put the pics on this weekend.
azz to gonna have to call bullsh!t on this one...
man don't hate on the kid, he may of lied about his age but that weight is definatly feasable for someone of his size, I am one of the smallest guys in the gym right now and have like the 2nd best squat in the gym too, I'ts all about goal specific training, my goal was to see how much I can squat so trained it almost exclusivly until I got to where i am and It took a surprisingly short time to double my weight, proper form, head back(focus on the celling) proper breathing(big inhale at top and slowlly let it out in bursts as you go up) and hip placement. very possible, what if he does show photo's is everyone going to think they are fake?
I dont see why so many of you guys are being so hard on this kid and calling him a liar. At 235 pounds I dont see why it is not believable for him to max 550 for one rep. If you look around the Untied States there are plenty of top highschool football players who can squat 550 or more.
By the way im 5'9 220 and I squat 500 for a one rep max.
ass to calves boys....
you pause until i say lift...thats how ya squat
Originally Posted by d-lineman
I dont either...235 pounds is a good sized lad..Regardless if hes cut,fat,bulky. Whatever case the case might be,he's still carrying around 235 pounds of bodyweight. I've seen a lot of 700 pound "knee benders" in my life. I don't see why he couldn't do that kind of weight considering football regimens consist of strength training,not bodybuilding workouts.. Coaches could care less about how "pretty" your body looks compared to your ability. Strength is more important then a six pack in football.
Sure at that age that is a great accomplishment, all depending on the depth of the squat, but most coaches I know of make you actually squat. Maybe not the full "ass to calves" but still deep. Sure id rather see a squat azz to the floor but still thats very possible for him.
i am not arguing that this kid can't put the weight on his back and dip down a few inches, i am saying parallel squats at that weight for someone who barely has any hair on his nuts is a lil far fetched...........
agree to disagree then bro, I got a powerlifter at my gym who had his 13 year old skinny son with him the other day and he asked if he could bench press something and his dad said o.k., this 13 year old put up 225 3x!!!!!!!!!!! I was watching in amazment, my max bench is only 315 and Im twice his age and a lot bigger than the kid, point is, his dad is a powerlifter and knows how to train someone to handle HEAVY weight, it's all training, I got a guy doing box squats with around 500 pounds for reps! he's a beast but still he had to start somewhere.
Way off topic here and a little late but.....Originally Posted by diablo27185
lol, way over 10 years , I used to live down stairs from ronnie colemen, in a 3 story apartment building in Arlington texas. I was only 10, that was 14 years ago and he used to scare me then he was so **** big. This, of course, was way before Mr. Olympia.
Thats some good #'s for a kid. Keep going bro. I am 5'7 215lbs 41yrs old and my best squat is 695 lbs with belt and wraps. Took me a loooonnngg time to get there though.
here are some pictures of my legs
i will post some more tommorow when i have more time
My best squat is a usapl 523 not a great squat for my weightclass but that is a official usapl meet, with three lights they count
what is your BF% bro? oh yeah you have some big ass feet also. jk dont take it personal.
here are some calf pictures the first one is from the front.
i dont no what my bodyfat% is i havent ever had it checked with calipers or anything like that. Just with one of them electronic ones that you hold the 2 sides.Originally Posted by houseofpain
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