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Thread: Shoulder Bursitis

  1. #1

    Unhappy Shoulder Bursitis

    Has anyone suffered from Bursitis in here? I just got it and have been out of training for a week. Im going out of my mind it sucks so bad not being able to do anything. I lift heavy pretty much year round and I think I developed Bursitis as well as hitting a heavy bag from this. My shoulder hurts pretty **** badly. Einstein is helping me trouble shoot through this, but i was wondering how many others ever had bursitis in thier shoulder.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I got bursitis from a car accident about 15 years ago. I think the doctor gave me anti-inflamatories, but don't quote me on that. Go see a doc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Bro best to se a doc but try some ibuprofen or aleve ice it after working out to keep the swelling down

  4. #4
    Thanks, ive been poping NSAIDS like no other... i hope to overcome this soon

  5. #5
    Hey whats up man, I know your ****ing pain. I'm a college student so my docs at health services wouldn't give me **** for the pain, couldn't sleep for days. Take 600mg ibuprofen 4 times a day for two weeks and it should go away. There are also certain exercises that will make it feel a ****load better, check the internet. Or just do what I did, get ahold of about 200 vicadins, pop 2-3 everynight and sleep like a champ. Also don't do **** for about a month on your shoulder. If you don't let it heal right, it can become chronic, and if your pain was anything like mine F*U*C*K That. Honestly though dude, go see a doc. My pain went away after about 5-7days once I started the ibuprofen and vicadin. PM me if you have any more questions

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