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  1. #1
    Power76's Avatar
    Power76 is offline Associate Member
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    bench press question

    I have been messing around with some raw benching of late and I was wondering how wide you guys are gripping the bar for raw benching. With my shirt, I bench with my index finger on the rings but this seems to be bothering my shoulders when I bench heavy without my shirt. I wonder if I should bring in my grip some for the full range raw work. What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    Aboot's Avatar
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    Hmmm, I always have my pinkies on this ring for raw benching. I would definitely suggest that you bring in your grip for raw work (as long as it doesn't mess with your form while using a shirt). I find that everytime I go too wide the thing that tells me is the shooting pain that develops in my shoulders.

  3. #3
    phreezer's Avatar
    phreezer is offline Respected Member
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    I keep my ring fingers on the ring for the most part... occasionally I shorten it if I want to hit tri's a little more, or I'll widen out if I'm going for a little heavier weight..

  4. #4
    RJstrong's Avatar
    RJstrong is offline Senior Member
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    I think its a good idea, i would definitely look for a grip that eases the shoulder pain. I bench with index fingers to the rings also, however their is something to be said for changing up your grip, I like to throw in a speed day with 3 varying grips on ocassion: wide, medium, close for 3 sets of 3 on each grip. good luck bro, i hope you get those shoulders feeling better, although i am looking at it as a good sign... that tells me you are training hard. Arnold S. once said "if you go into a contest w/o any injuries you didn't train hard enough!"

  5. #5
    Power76's Avatar
    Power76 is offline Associate Member
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    haha That's a good quote. Yea, pain is usually a good sign that you are training hard. The first morning that I wake up without pain I will know right away that I'm dead. Thanks for the replies. I will bring in my grip and see what happens. I have found that this same type of thing happens with my squat. If I squat raw without my briefs I can't go as wide because it trashes my hips.
    Last edited by Power76; 04-21-2005 at 09:12 PM.

  6. #6
    power65 is offline Associate Member
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    Lil Bro. Power65 here. The reason you are having pain in your shoulder is because you are slowly crushing your AC Joint in your shoulder when you go RAW. When lifting in a shirt this joint is supported by the shirt with the chest panel of the shirt. I wish I could draw you a picture here. Let me try to explain this without using medical terms. The AC Joint is really not a joint, but more like a bowl made up of the three muscles that make up the shoulder; ie, your delts. You have the Front, Side, and Rear. OK. These muscle make up a "Upside Down" bowl if you will that fits on the side where the arm attaches to the shoulder area. That's called the AC Joint. When you go as wide as you do the bone of the arm is compressed into the Soft Tissue of this "joint" therefore making that soft tissue inflamed and sore the day after. This can go on for awhile, but after time this tissue will be damaged and start to form scare tissue within the joint. That scare tissue will start to form a Web like mesh in the shoulder that will cause all kinds of pain and eventually end your lifting if not removed.

    Actions to take: You may need to move your bench in when lifting raw. I have my little finger on the mark. Yes you will be a little weaker at first because this puts more on the Tris. But over time your Tris will become so Freakin Strong that when you do move your grip out in the shirt you will have better lock out power. PM if you have any other questions. I've trained several guys including myself that have had this problem.

  7. #7
    Power76's Avatar
    Power76 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by power65
    Lil Bro. Power65 here. The reason you are having pain in your shoulder is because you are slowly crushing your AC Joint in your shoulder when you go RAW. When lifting in a shirt this joint is supported by the shirt with the chest panel of the shirt. I wish I could draw you a picture here. Let me try to explain this without using medical terms. The AC Joint is really not a joint, but more like a bowl made up of the three muscles that make up the shoulder; ie, your delts. You have the Front, Side, and Rear. OK. These muscle make up a "Upside Down" bowl if you will that fits on the side where the arm attaches to the shoulder area. That's called the AC Joint. When you go as wide as you do the bone of the arm is compressed into the Soft Tissue of this "joint" therefore making that soft tissue inflamed and sore the day after. This can go on for awhile, but after time this tissue will be damaged and start to form scare tissue within the joint. That scare tissue will start to form a Web like mesh in the shoulder that will cause all kinds of pain and eventually end your lifting if not removed.

    Actions to take: You may need to move your bench in when lifting raw. I have my little finger on the mark. Yes you will be a little weaker at first because this puts more on the Tris. But over time your Tris will become so Freakin Strong that when you do move your grip out in the shirt you will have better lock out power. PM if you have any other questions. I've trained several guys including myself that have had this problem.
    Wow thanks bro! Great explanation. You seem to really know your stuff. Little fingers on the rings it is.

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