Getting 200 lbs. out of a shirt is pretty huge to me!!!! I honestly don't get much out of a bench shirt, any shirt. I get at most about 60 lbs. It's not because I don't know how to use the shirt, it has to do with how I'm built I think. I have extremely long arms. So even though the shirt helps be blast out of the hole, the bar still has a long ride to the top. Plus, due to some shoulder injuries, I really can't bench wide at all. I have a very narrow grip for what is considered my competition bench. Luckily I've been blessed with extremely strong triceps. I know I can out bench anyone I know tight grip (meaning index fingers where the grip starts toward the center of the bar. I only wt. about 230 and I can tight grip bench 400+ on a good day. (Thats a raw bench with my thumbs about 12" apart. I'm thinking of driving up to Inzer or Titan and have them look me over for a custom shirt because of my tricep strength my arms are much bigger than what they should be compared to my chest. So I never really get a good fitting shirt either. Maybe why I don't get much out of the shirt????? You think?????