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Thread: Problem w/ Traing "Westside Style"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Houston, TX

    Problem w/ Traing "Westside Style"

    OK. I may be starting a fight here, but what the hell. This board has been pretty dead why not pick a fight. I'm just joking, but really. I know this thread may rub some of you the wrong way, but that's not what I'm trying to do. So before I make any of the following statements....please know I truely want your opinions. I'm not talking bad about Westside's methods of training. I just want to know what you think about these few points. Years ago when the "Westside" methods were starting to gain some popularity I was on the "Juice". Nothing super heavy, but I was using. I seamed to make pretty good gains from the Westside Methods. Well I've been clean for several years now (7 years or so) and I don't use any of the Westside Programs. I do use many of their exercises, but not their methods of training. Reason being: I can't train the way these guys train since I've been clean. I've gone back several times and I've tried, but I always end up over training. Note: I'm also stronger now than I ever was using Westside Principals of training. So my question is: Do you think you can training on the Westside Program (Exactly like they do) when your not using "Juice"? And lets all be honest here, we all know these guys aren't clean. So go ahead and lay that point on the table. I personally think it's impossible to do without over training because the natural body just doesn't have enough time to heal. But what do you guys all think? Please let me know. I'm very interested to get your feed back.

  2. #2
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    Quote Originally Posted by power65
    OK. I may be starting a fight here, but what the hell. This board has been pretty dead why not pick a fight. I'm just joking, but really. I know this thread may rub some of you the wrong way, but that's not what I'm trying to do. So before I make any of the following statements....please know I truely want your opinions. I'm not talking bad about Westside's methods of training. I just want to know what you think about these few points. Years ago when the "Westside" methods were starting to gain some popularity I was on the "Juice". Nothing super heavy, but I was using. I seamed to make pretty good gains from the Westside Methods. Well I've been clean for several years now (7 years or so) and I don't use any of the Westside Programs. I do use many of their exercises, but not their methods of training. Reason being: I can't train the way these guys train since I've been clean. I've gone back several times and I've tried, but I always end up over training. Note: I'm also stronger now than I ever was using Westside Principals of training. So my question is: Do you think you can training on the Westside Program (Exactly like they do) when your not using "Juice"? And lets all be honest here, we all know these guys aren't clean. So go ahead and lay that point on the table. I personally think it's impossible to do without over training because the natural body just doesn't have enough time to heal. But what do you guys all think? Please let me know. I'm very interested to get your feed back.
    maybe for chest, but not legs. you need juice to train legs the way they do, and if you are a raw lifter forget trying to squat the way they do your hips will snap! i have trained westside on and off juice and some principles worked for me, some didn't. i don't believe not to deadlift and that special exercises will make up the difference. west side is not known for great deadlifters. it has helped my press. as far as legs, west side didn't work 4 me on or off juice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I was a strict Westside lifter last year when I was "on". In 6 months I was able to put 268 pounds on my total so this method does work. At the rate I was going I would have probably totaled elite by now. The problem was, even though I was getting stronger my body was beat to death. I hurt all the time. I had to pop pain killers before every workout just to get through it. I do not think a clean lifter can do this and make any gains. However I do believe that the program can be modified for a clean lifter. The main thing is to listen to your body.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    These guys never claim to be "clean", lets be honest there training is definitely designed for being on... no doubt in my mind about that. I feel it's very possible to overtrain using their methods while "juicin".

  5. #5
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    Quote Originally Posted by RJstrong
    These guys never claim to be "clean", lets be honest there training is definitely designed for being on... no doubt in my mind about that. I feel it's very possible to overtrain using their methods while "juicin".
    i agree, without juice it is impossible, and your body feels so beat up all the time, continuous max effort work wek to week. and yes, i even think you can overtrain still being on juice and using ther methods. the program needs modifying, especialy if your clean, otherwise it is impossible.

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