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Thread: Do You Qualify?

  1. #1

    Do You Qualify?

    BenchAmerica 3 Updated Rankings

    114 Class
    Defending Champion Hung Pham 302.5 Pounds
    #1 Ervin Gainer Sr. 308.6
    #2 Tony Scheldrup 237
    #3 Antonio Ostrum 198
    #4 Rob Leoni 188
    #5 McAvoy 180.5

    123 Class
    Defending Champion Peter Wong 352 Pounds
    #1 Mike Kuhns 308.6
    #1 Adam Zehr 308.1
    #2 Damario Holloway 303
    #3 Jeff Olcsvary 302.5
    #4 Van Williams 261

    132 Class
    Defending Champion Steve "The Russian Bear" Petrencak 341 Pounds
    #1 Hennis Washington 336
    #1 Caleb Williams 336
    #2 Melvin Perry 280
    #3 C. Snider 277.4
    #4 Richard "The Prodigy" Hawthorne 266.5

    148 Class
    Defending Champion Joe Smith 429 Pounds
    #1 Trey Collins 446.4
    #2 Darren Matsumoto 439.6
    #3 Brian Schwab 427.6
    #4 Caleb Williams 407
    #5 Miguel Ruelan 401.5

    165 Class
    Defending Champion Wade Hooper 511.5 Pounds
    #1 Joe "The Bench Bustin' Detective" Mazza 510.6
    #2 Mike Hara 507
    #3 Larry Miller 506
    #4 Brad Heck 473.2
    #5 Ray Hickman 455.5

    181 Class
    Defending Champion Marvin Coleman 533.5 Pounds
    #1 Craig Schmalz 522.5
    #2 Lance Kirchner 518.1
    #3 Frank Caminita 517.7
    #4 Charles Walker 502.6
    #5 Joe DeMatteo 500.5

    198 Class
    Defending Champion Rodney Wood 511.5 Pounds
    #1 Joe McAuliffe 573.2
    #2 Scott Rabine 566.8
    #3 Jesse "The Ragin Cajun" Kellum 551
    #4 Michael Wolfley 534.6
    #5 Michael Cartinian 528.3

    220 Class
    Defending Champion Dennis Cieri 621.5 Pounds
    #1 Matt LaMarque 732.9
    #2 Tony Succarotte 634
    #3 Ken Patterson 608.6
    #4 Ralph "Mighty Joe" Young 605
    #5 Travis "Monster" Mash 598.4

    242 Class
    Defending Champion Brad "The Powerlifting Pastor" Kelley 704 Pounds
    #1 Jason "Action" Jackson 732.9
    #2 Kevin Mayer 639.3
    #3 David Doan 632.5
    #4 Kyle Robodson 623
    #4 Lanier 623

    275 Class
    Defending Champion "Big" Horace Lane 709.5 Pounds
    #1 Mike Womack 688.9
    #2 Scott Lade 687
    #3 Rich "Freak" Putnam 679.5
    #4 Collin "Pooh" Rhodes 666.9
    #5 Jeff Peshek 665.8

    308 Class
    Defending Champion Bill Gillespie 720 Pounds
    #1 Tiny Meeker 848.7
    #2 Steve Wong 764.2
    #3 Bobby Leitz 722.47
    #4 Ryan "BenchMonster" Kennelly 721.5
    #5 Vincent "Big Daddy" Dizenzo 720

    SHW Class
    Defending Champion Jeff Lewis 737 Pounds
    #1 Gene "Beast From the East" Rychlak Jr. 854.3
    #2 "Benchpress" Brian Siders 771
    #3 Scot Mendelson 749.5
    #4 Shawn Lattimer 726
    #5 Clay Brandenburg 698

    Women's Division
    Defending Champion Jennifer Thompson 319 pounds @ 131 bodyweight
    #1 Priscilla "Little Powerhouse" Ribic 341 @ 147.8
    #2 Christy Newman 353.1 @ 159.5
    #3 Jennifer Robertson 302.5 @ 131
    #4 Kara "Benchpress Barbie" Bohigian 327.25 @ 148
    #5 Becca "The Iron Maiden" Swanson 407.6 @ 237.4
    #6 Deb Farrell 401.5 @ 264
    #7 Teale Adelmann 264 @ 121
    #8 Brooke Freiman 319 @ 156
    #9 Liz Willett 407 @ 330.6

    These BA3 Updated Rankings have been compiled from the following official qualifiers:
    - 2004 USAPL Benchpress Nationals
    - 2004 USAPL Powerlifting Nationals
    - 2004 APF Senior Nationals Senior Nationals
    - 2004 AWPC Worlds
    - 2004 WPC Benchpress Worlds
    - 2004 WPC Powerlifting Worlds
    - 2004 IPA Worlds
    - 2004 WPO GNC Show of Strength
    - BenchAmerica II
    - 2004 WABDL Nationals
    - 2004 WABDL World Championships
    - 2004 NASA USA Nationals
    - 2004 NASA World Cup
    - 2004 USPF Benchpress Nationals
    - 2004 USPF Senior Nationals
    - 2004 USPF Mountaineer Cup VI
    - 2004 APA American Championships
    - 2004 APA World Benchpress Championships
    - 2004 IPA Senior Nationals
    - 2004 ADAU Benchpress Nationals
    - 2004 ADAU Powerlifting Nationals
    - 2004 IPF Benchpress World Championships
    - 2004 AAU World Championships
    - 2004 WNPF World Championships
    - 2004 GPC World Championships
    - 2005 WPO Super Open
    - 2004 IPF Benchpress World Championships
    - 2005 USAPL Women’s Powerlifting Nationals
    - 2004 100% RAW Benchpress Worlds
    - 2005 NASA Benchpress World Championships
    - 2005 USAPL Men's Powerlifting Nationals
    - 2005 AAPF Benchpress & Powerlifting Nationals
    - 2005 USPF Powerlifting Nationals
    - 2005 UAPC Benchpress Nationals
    - 2005 APA Benchpress Nationals
    - 2005 APF Senior Nationals
    - 2005 NASA USA National Championships

    Remaining BA3 Qualifiers:

    July 10th, WNPF Women's Nationals, Atlanta, Georgia, [email protected], 1.770.997.0589

    July 16-17, IPA World Powerlifting Championships, York Barbell Company, York, PA, Mark Chaillet, 1.717.495.0024, [email protected], [email protected]

    July 23rd, ADAU Benchpress Nationals, Nicholas Theodorou, Catasauqua, Pennsylvania, 1.610.258.1894, [email protected]

    July 23rd, WABDL Push Pull Nationals, Dallas, Texas, Gus Rethwisch, 1.503.901.1622, 1.763.545.8654,, This is a single ply bench shirt only nationals and all lifters attempting to qualify for BA3 must benchpress and deadlift.

    July 30th-31st, AWPC Worlds, The Purple Hotel, Lincolnwood, Illinois, Ernie Frantz, 62 South Broadway, Aurora, Illinois 60505, 1.630.892.1491,

    August 6th, NAP Open Senior Nationals Benchpress and Deadlift Championships, Houston, Texas, Bob Garza, 1.713.737.9015, [email protected],

    August 6th-7th, WABDL Powerlifting & Benchpress Nationals, Sheraton Airport, Portland, Oregon, Gus Rethwisch, 1.503.901.1622, 1.763.545.8654,

    BenchAmerica still needs the full results from the following BA3 Qualifiers:

    USPF Mountaineer Cup VII
    2005 100% RAW Powerlifting & Benchpress National Championships
    2005 USPF Nationals
    2005 WNPF Benchpress Nationals
    2005 WPA World Championships
    (Promoters, please mail hardcopies of these results to Hardcore Powerlifting, Attn: Seanzilla, 1963 West Burnside, Suite 210 C, Portland, OR 97209)


    If you haven't yet, please contact me as soon as possible if you plan on competing, thanks.

    Seanzilla Katterle
    [email protected]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Houston, TX
    Pretty Sick Numbers!!!!!!!!

    Those lighter guys in the 165-181 class are freaking strong. I know they're all strong, but damm!!! The lighter guys are throwing up some big numbers.

  3. #3
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    a van down by the river!
    are all of these guys going to be competing this year?is it single ply again?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    are all of these guys going to be competing this year?is it single ply again?
    Yes, the rules for BA3 will be single ply shirts only and drug tested.

    We're getting quite a few of the top ranked benchers signing up to compete; like Brian Siders, Ryan Kennelly, Beau Moore, Joe Mazza, Wade Hooper, Tiny Meeker, Bill Gillespie, ect. This year's competition should be intense!

  5. #5
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    a van down by the river!
    Quote Originally Posted by Seanzilla HCPL
    Yes, the rules for BA3 will be single ply shirts only and drug tested.

    We're getting quite a few of the top ranked benchers signing up to compete; like Brian Siders, Ryan Kennelly, Beau Moore, Joe Mazza, Wade Hooper, Tiny Meeker, Bill Gillespie, ect. This year's competition should be intense!
    any word if rychlak or mendelson are planning to try single ply and drug free events?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    any word if rychlak or mendelson are planning to try single ply and drug free events?
    Mendelson recently broke the non drug tested, no bench shirt record by benching an official 715 at the Atlantis Foundation's New England Classic.

    He hasn't officially signed up for BenchAmerica 3 though. BenchAmerica 3 is drug testing all cash money winners, but I don't know if that's a factor in his decision.

    Rychlak has not contacted BenchAmerica to say that he's gonna compete. It's my opinion that he would have a very poor chance of winning any $ if he did.

  7. #7
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    a van down by the river!
    Quote Originally Posted by Seanzilla HCPL
    Mendelson recently broke the non drug tested, no bench shirt record by benching an official 715 at the Atlantis Foundation's New England Classic.

    He hasn't officially signed up for BenchAmerica 3 though. BenchAmerica 3 is drug testing all cash money winners, but I don't know if that's a factor in his decision.

    Rychlak has not contacted BenchAmerica to say that he's gonna compete. It's my opinion that he would have a very poor chance of winning any $ if he did.
    i hear he is allshirt and without it, he can't do 600, just a rumor.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I heard his shirt benched 500+ without him even in it...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Seriously though... there are not that many people who can squat a grand... let alone bench it. The fact that he can just hold it at a locked out position is truely amazing, same goes for Mendy.

  11. #11
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    a van down by the river!
    i bet that shirt is strong!!!!!hahsha

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