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Thread: question about front squats

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    question about front squats

    I dedicate a whole day of training to power cleans. After this i throw in my weekly share of traps and biceps since they are secondary mucles in the lift. I want to start doing front squats to increase my numbers. Should i do it on the day i do power cleans. If not i can do it on a different day except legs because legs are full. Also what type of routine would you use when adding front squats, such as reps sets and poundage.

  2. #2
    honestly, u have to switch things up .... periodization is the best. We need more informaiton though. what does your leg routine look like, do u train them, than once a week, is this for powerlifting or more for bodybuilding.
    If u are using periodization u can switch from normal squats to front squats to box squats etc week from week for your 1RM.

  3. #3
    damn front squats for 1RM that would suck..i switch box squats and diff variation of goodmornings

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Pittsburgh, PA
    There is a sort of unsaid rule that the russians use when setting up their workouts for Olympic weightlifting. Basically, there are two training days, one for the snatch and one for the clean. The rule is on clean days you do assistance work for the snatch and on snatch days you do assistance for the clean. In this case you would do front squats on snatch days. The power clean doesn't require nearly as much front squat as the clean does. I figure you'd be ok putting the front squat in with the power clean. I am a proponent of the russian system of leg training, so I have no problem training legs three times a week, given that the periodization is arranged before hand. Doing a Max Eff, Dyn EFF and Olympic style training day is no problem if the volume, intensity etc. is in order. Here is my front squat routine (I usually wave train this)

    front squat: (warm-up and stretch) 1 set 3rep 60%, 1 set 3 rep 75%, 2 set 2 reps 85%, 1 set 1 rep 92%, 1 set 5 reps 70%, 1 set 3 reps 80%, 1 set 1 rep 90%, 1 set 1 rep 97%

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    i have a mixed body building and powerlifting routine. For legs i start with squats and i am in a phase where i am increasing my lift by 10 pounds a week doing 10 sets of 3. I stole that from westside but adding the weight was my idea. I do this also for dead lifts and bench , and as well power cleans. I then go on to do a more of a bodyuilding workout.

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