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Thread: Last week before meet advice for lifts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Last week before meet advice for lifts

    I have a bench meet on Saturday.

    I did my first meet the beginging of last month and I was able to do a 375 <Never did that even in the gym 365 was my max > in the 220 class. I had only trained with a shirt for 3 weeks for that meet. I came in second place! I couldn't believe it.

    Anyway, I was able to hit a 380 on Friday on my last set. Anyone have any advice for my final workout this week? I would like to do my warmups and go to 3 or 4 one rep sets with the shirt and do nothing else.

    Thanks for any help. I have been bodybuilding for 6 years now and just wanted to change it up a little for a few months and try something else. The shirt is a lot different than body building.

    My last meet I opened with 335 then went to 365, then 375. Any suggestions for my opening lift this time?

    Sorry to ask so many questions, and thanks for any help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Pittsburgh, PA
    I would go with 365 as an opener. Then I would go to 385. Doing 385 will give you a feel for the third lift. Since you've hit 380 on a final set, this doesn't seem out of the question. Depending on how 385 feels (ie if you explode right thru it) you may want to go into 400's (400-410). I have been powerlifting since I was 15 (8 years) and one piece of advice is that you want your total to come on the second lift. If you expect hitting 385, do 385 on the second lift. If you miss it, you get a second shot at it. The third lift, at least for me, is about buying the farm, if you know what I mean. Good luck!

  3. #3
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    Jun 2005
    Yeah, I went ahead and did one more bench session before the meet this morning.

    I just did warm ups and put the shirt on for 3 lifts. I washed the shirt earlier this week to tighten it up and I could barely get 335 to touch. I blew that up and hit 365 next and then I went for 385. I was so pumped when I hit 385. I definitly am going to go for 400 on my last attempt at the meet. Thanks for the advice Bro!

  4. #4
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    Jun 2005
    I had my meet yesterday. 1st-345 2nd-380 3rd-400 miss-

    I alomost had the 400. Stopped about half way up. I couldn't keep the bar moving. I guess I will have to work the bands! LOL

    380- Went up fairly easily. Didn't want to do 390 then wish I had gone for the 400 later. I was still happy even with the miss. I came in 2nd place for my class.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    good job!

  6. #6
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    Please don't be offended by what I say. I think you went I a bit light. The lifter who goes that much lighter, expect for certain cases, seems to be afraid of the weight. You only have three lifts, so to be a great powerlifter you have to ignore the possibility of bombing out if your weights are right. Look at Mendelson a month ago, doing 910, then 2 misses at 1008. The second lift was the goal. The reason for such a smaller first attempt was the potentially adverse reaction the first lift might have had on his CNS. CNS progressive training at those weights are difficult to manage. This is why you will see the top dogs sometimes hit a second squat (their goal) and pass on the third lift, so they can save themselves for the deadlift and bench (not just muscular and ATP preservation!). I am not sure how you trained, but a second attempt at the intermediate weight may have costed you. Plus sometimes you get a bad first push off the bench.
    If you are worried about the opener, you probably need to become more comfortable with your warm up. This is where many lifters live or die.
    What was the winning weight on the bench?

  7. #7
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    Jun 2005
    Not sure what exactly won, I will have to ask my buddy. The meet was really fast I have only done 2 meets, but this one was fast. There was around 35 lifters and it was over in an hour with 2 benches going.

    The lift I wanted was 380 <So I would have 2 lifts to get-er done>. Since I did 375 in my last meet. My best lift in the gym was 385. That is why I went 400 my last, since it was something I wanted, but never had gottten.

    I see what you are saying that I spent myself going for the 380, when I could have been fresh going for the 400.

  8. #8
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    my advice before a meet, don't lift the week of the meet rest and heal.

  9. #9
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    good meet, you are lerning the ropes, givr yorself time and with more experience you will learn how to call what weight to use for each attempt.

  10. #10
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    Four days or so out from a meet, I like to do some benching with around 50% of my max for technique sake. I also read in a russian journal (sila miryu) that light tension training 3 to 4 days out does wonders for the CNS, muscle recovery and some other stuff.
    I guess if you got what you aimed for, then all is good.

  11. #11
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    Quote Originally Posted by Velkar182
    Four days or so out from a meet, I like to do some benching with around 50% of my max for technique sake. I also read in a russian journal (sila miryu) that light tension training 3 to 4 days out does wonders for the CNS, muscle recovery and some other stuff.
    I guess if you got what you aimed for, then all is good.
    i used to do the same, i found not lifting the wk before did the same asthe 50%. but i agree, if you have to lift the wk before, you can not go muchheavier than this, if you do you will leave your bests lifts at the gym and not the meet!!!!!!!!

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