I have a bench meet on Saturday.
I did my first meet the beginging of last month and I was able to do a 375 <Never did that even in the gym 365 was my max > in the 220 class. I had only trained with a shirt for 3 weeks for that meet. I came in second place! I couldn't believe it.
Anyway, I was able to hit a 380 on Friday on my last set. Anyone have any advice for my final workout this week? I would like to do my warmups and go to 3 or 4 one rep sets with the shirt and do nothing else.
Thanks for any help. I have been bodybuilding for 6 years now and just wanted to change it up a little for a few months and try something else. The shirt is a lot different than body building.
My last meet I opened with 335 then went to 365, then 375. Any suggestions for my opening lift this time?
Sorry to ask so many questions, and thanks for any help!