Thread: Using Bands
12-28-2005, 06:00 PM #1
Using Bands
I have been thinking about incorperating bands and chains into my routines. I was going to use bands for my dynamic days and chains for my ME days
I have since had a thought:
Since i only lift raw is there any need for bands and chains?
They're only going to make me stronger at the top of my lifts
As i am not using shirts or suits i have no assistance at the bottom of the lift
What i am thinking is this:
It doesn't matter if i can lock out 400lbs if i can't get 350lbs off my chest
Shouldn't i be looking for something that will strengthen the bottom of my lift?
What are your thoughts and opinions?
12-28-2005, 08:49 PM #2
use them... the most important thing that you will gain while using chains and/or bands is bar speed (speed is the deadliest weapon in any sport and your improved bar speed will help you drive thru sticking points whether you lift raw or use gear). IMO it isn't all about the lock out power although it will help there also... some of the best strength gains I have made have been from incorporating bands and chains and even though I compete in gear my raw lifts increased tremendously too.
Last edited by RJstrong; 12-28-2005 at 08:51 PM.
12-29-2005, 07:16 AM #3
Thanks, i was hoping you and Doc Sust would see this
BTW I saw your pic in the forum! Congrats!
What kinds of weight would you use when adding bands?
I've just finished that 8 week 3x3 program Doc Sust gave me
I had some fantastic gains in strength - so i'm starting it again
It consists of 4 weeks dynamic followed by 4 weeks ME
Weeks 1-4 (dynamic) consits of 3 workouts per week - Mon, Wed, Fri
Each workout is the same
Squat 8 sets of 5
Bench 8 sets of 6
Dead 8 sets of 5
But the weights increase each week
Week 1 = 58%
Week 2 = 60%
Week 3 = 62%
Week 4 = 64%
Are these percentages ok for bands?
Or should they be lower?
And am i right to use Bands for speed and chains for ME
12-29-2005, 07:43 AM #4Retired Vet
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Nice post RJ...
Also, ant_8u, you can still work the bottom of your bench with other methods.... (ie. Heavy DB work, lat work, etc..)...
12-29-2005, 08:51 AM #5Originally Posted by ant_8u
12-29-2005, 09:52 AM #6
Thanks for the words of wisdom
I've found a place where i can get some bands, my next question is what strength should i get?
Current lifts:
Squat 375
Bench 300
Dead 520
Band options:
#1 = 35lbs max tension
#2 = 50lbs
#3 = 80lbs
#4 = 120lbs
#5 = 150lbs
#6 = 200lbs
12-29-2005, 04:25 PM #7
wait a minute, if you use those percentages for bands you are going to kill your self! now i have combined bands with this program. but on the day you use bands you have to decrease the percentages. bands work for the raw lifter, i do raw meets and quiped, what the bands di is increace the eccentric motion of the bar, making the weight drop faster than gravit, this is why the bands are important, yes they do help your upper end strength, but that is a bonus, not there purpose, now to adjust for a raw lifter, you need to use bands with less tension than those who are equiped, if the bands are to much and you are grinding out the weights every set, it will only work for upper end strength and fry your cns, also too high of a percentage will fry you as well.
for the 3x3 on the middle day,(if you were doing mon, wed, fri, thsi would be wed.) do your speed work. on the other days do your regular percentages, i also find using bands and boxes below paralel work better than free squats.
one at a time will cover,
squat wk 1 48%
wk2 51%
wk3 53
6 -8 sets of 2 reps, 30 second rest btwn set
press, percentage wk 1-4 50%. stick withthis percent even if it feels light, don't change it 8 - 10 sets of 3 reps
now for deads, you need the platform to use bands, but you can still do speed work using olympic cleans instead of the dead(deep cleans, drop your ass to the floor to get under the weight, no hang clean bull shit)
wk 1 30%
wk 2 33%
wk3 36%
wk 4 30 %
6-8 sets of 2reps.
wks 5 through 8 are a little more complicated
follow the program as normal but add in bands here is wk 5 altered
day 1
squats 2 sets of 1 80%
press 6 sets of 4 with 60%
cleans 3 sets of 3 reps with 30-35%
day 2 press 2 sets of 1 at 80%
bands squats 48-51%% 3 sets of 3
dead 3sets of 3 with 60%
day 3 dead 80% 2 set 1 rep
band press 8 sets of 3 reps using 50-53%
squats 3sets of 3 reps with 60 %
follow this through wk 7
on wk 8 use no bands , let you body heal and de- load, use the regular percentages the programs calls for and drop cleans
after wk 8 is finished take a full wk off and max and there you go!
bands you need, one set of mini bands, these are double looped in the cage. reason why it gives you more tension at the bottom of the lift, more than if you were hooking them slipknoted underneath a bench. you don't have cage, no problem, use heavy dumbells rt under the bench. when i say double loop i mean you put one side of the bandover the bar, then you loop it under the cage or dumbell and then pull the band upand loop it over the bar a second time. no slipknot is used just one continuous loop hope it makes sense, now there is one trick just for the bench, whatever you percentage is, let say 50%when you figure out your weight to use. this is ONLY for the press when using mini bands, because they add 30lbs of tension to the bar at the bottom of the lift. so if ur max is 300, 50% is 150, now subtract 30lbs off of the and the weight you would us is 120lbs, it will feel light and it should, this is about speed not power. for the squat, you should use the light bands (80lbs of tension)
band work is hard to grasp but it is trial and error, these percentages are not written in stone, you can alter them, but be warned to high will do you no good, best of luck
12-29-2005, 04:27 PM #8
also, go to, they have pictures of how to set up the bands under the FAQ, also theyhave for sale an exercise index DVD and a small book on how to hook up the bands
12-30-2005, 09:57 AM #9
Bloody Hell!
That was a comprehensive answer Doc.
I'd like to keep things as simple as possible at the moment
Only changing one thing at a time (ie adding bands)
I was thinking about using the bands for weeks 1 - 4
And only using them on the Bench and Squat - lowering the percentages by 10% on these lifts whilst keeping the deadlift the same as before
I was going to keep the sets and reps the same
Week 1
Squat 48% with bands - 8 sets of 5
Bench 48% with bands - 8 sets of 6
Dead 58% without bands - 8 sets of 5
Week 2
Squat 50% with bands - 8 sets of 5
Bench 50% with bands - 8 sets of 6
Dead 60% without bands - 8 sets of 5
Week 3
Squat 52% with bands - 8 sets of 5
Bench 52% with bands - 8 sets of 6
Dead 62% without bands - 8 sets of 5
Week 4
Squat 54% with bands - 8 sets of 5
Bench 54% with bands - 8 sets of 6
Dead 64% without bands - 8 sets of 5
I was then going to do weeks 5-8 the same as normal
using 60%, 80%, 85%, 90%, & 95% without any bands
Does this souds like a good idea or not?
12-31-2005, 12:04 PM #10
I have sourced the different bands options from a few websites
The band tensions seem to be as follows:
Mini 5-25lbs/band
Monster mini 10-35lbs/band
Light 30-50lbs/band
Average 65-85lbs/band
Strong 80-100lbs/band
Monster 200lbs/band
Iron Woody
#1 5-35lbs/band
#2 10-50lbs/band
#3 25-80lbs/band
#4 50-120lbs/band
#5 60-150lbs/band
I will be purchasing the Iron Woody bands not the Jump Stretch bands
Do i need #1 for bench and #3 for squat?
01-02-2006, 10:40 AM #11Originally Posted by ant_8u
as far as doing what you want to do, using bands 3 days a wk will fck you up. you will be sore and beat up. hell you can try it but it may be to much. i would at most use your idea but only 2 out of the 3 days and add in cleans at least one deadlift day. re-read what i wrote and try to get it, that is the easiest way and allows you alot of time to recover and is pretty much very similat to the westside barbell dynamic effort training, . i understand you are trying to simplify things, but what i explained wasn't complex at all, when i got bands, i bused them on evey squat and press workout for8wk 4 times a wk, when i maxed my numbers droped like a rock. be careful bands to often with to much weight = severe overtraining! and if you decide to do it your way. DO NOT USE BANDS 3 ,use the mini and the light. your way may work if you only do it twice a wk with a regualr day in btwn, but 3 days a wk with bands is way to much IMO
01-02-2006, 11:15 AM #12
Thanks Doc.
I'll order the bands now
Think i'll have to read your routine a few more times too
I'm sure it is simple - the more times you read it the easier it is to follow
Thanks again
01-03-2006, 04:40 PM #13
Ant, have you ordered your bands yet?
If not, you might want to check out the prices here:
The bands are IronWoody, but I think the prices are really low - from what I've heard.
01-04-2006, 04:27 PM #14
Thanks RM
They're some low prices!
01-06-2006, 01:30 PM #15Originally Posted by ant_8u
If you order from them, please tell them which board you got the info from, so they can start to develop some more customer bases.
Look around the the Fortified Iron PLing forum for some more great info!
01-06-2006, 03:06 PM #16
Will do
I don't mind spreading the word
Thanks again
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