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Thread: What is concidered good???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    What is concidered good???

    I was wondering... I am currently weighing in at 200 pounds even at 6'1" tall. I do not max out but I benchpress 275 at 6 reps fairly easily. I squat 245 easily at 6-10 reps (going all the way down sitting on my ankles). What is concidered good enough to powerlift for a division one college? I am 21 attending UTexas Austin and wondering if I would be good enough to be top in my class if I lifted for them.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    A ScIeNcE LaB In FlOrIdA
    Well, with a 275 for 6 Reps that should put you at about a 315-325
    and with your squat if you can get 245 for 10 reps it should be about
    the same with your bench 315-325.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Up in the D
    I would doubt you would win your class, you are too tall to be competitive in the 220's. At your height, if you want to be competitive, you will have to 275+ That said, do not worry about winning, only one person can win on any given day, the goal should always be to do the best you can. If you hit PR's, then you are making progress and everthing is going good!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Dirty South, TEXAS
    I don't know if this will help or give you a better feel but the best guy on the UT Powerlifting team in 220's Squats 601, Benches 435, and Deadlifts 633. Keep in mind he is the strongest one in that weight class on the team. You should go to a practice and check it out.
    Wake chicks- We make your boat look good.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Well what is my weight class if i weigh in at 200 lbs? Would i be in the 220's? If i gained 20 pounds which is easy for me, i could bench over 400 easily. I also tried out some maximum sets today and came out pretty good. i ended up at 295 lbs. 5 reps on bench and very surprisingly on squat at 285 by 10 reps. failrly easily. I thought it was lower, so i am happy. I can't imagine someone squatting 600. Thats really good. The problem is i am too tall. I want to powerlift but do not want to loose my body. I can easily gain as much weight as needed, up to 45 pounds in a year or year and a half but I dont want to be so huge it's scary. Arnold was 230 in competition in his prime. I am an inch and a quarter shorter than his height in his prime. My body weight is 206 totally nude right now. My goal is to look like arnold within the next year and a half. If i gain too much weight to compete in powerlifting i cant achieve my goal. If I was 6 inches shorter i would be on the same scale as that guy who benches 435 and squats 600. Anyone know of anyone at 6'1" 205 pounds who benches close to 400 pounds? I just wish there wwas also some sort of height scale also for powerlifting. I have gone into a UT powerlifting meet before with a friend of mine who was on the team, and was surprised at some of the big guys who were not putting up big weight. I want to lift but am so busy with other things. figures...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by DrStacks
    Well what is my weight class if i weigh in at 200 lbs? Would i be in the 220's? If i gained 20 pounds which is easy for me, i could bench over 400 easily.

    I can easily gain as much weight as needed, up to 45 pounds in a year or year and a half but I dont want to be so huge it's scary.
    To address part one of this quote....20lbs of muscle IS NOT easy to gain my freind...not even with gear. Also, If you are currently using 295lbs on bench, I think you are DRASTICALLY underestimating how much strength 20lbs adds. There is NO WAY that 20 extra pounds will give you that much of a strength increase. If you juiced and put on 20lbs of muscle I can believe that your bench mat shoot up 20lbs ...MAX!

    How can you easily gain as much weight as you need? Are you genetically gifted? Do you know something we dont? Or are you talking about body fat? 45lbs is a lot of weight...alot of weight! You may possibly be abl;e to gain that much in a year if you are using something, but it would not all be muscle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Pete, you are right about that in many ways but you have to remember that everyone is different. For one, I myself CAN gain 20 pounds on a cycle failry easily and actually RETAIN it as well. Something I notice people don't do. Genetically wise, I wouldn't say I am gifted because Michael Johnson, Michael Jordan, Arnold Schwarzenneger (sp?) ect. are truly "gifted". But I have very good genetics thanks to my mother and father, both being large build muscular low body fat types without really working out on a regular basis. That could possibly explain why I can gain and lose body weight so easily. Next, if you notice I say that if my bench were to go up I could max at 430 approximately. Now I don't know my max bench press right now but I am "guessing" it is close to 400 if not 400 or 405, meaning that a 40 pound increase in bench would put me up to par faily easily. If I gain 20 pounds of body weight which a cycle of masteron, equipoise and trenbolone acetate usually does for me I am guessing my bench will sky rocket. Now the reason why I say that is because my max bench press believe it or not has gone up over 160 pounds since Christmas (5 months- also this is my permanent max, after a slight decrease after my last cycle). Thanks to a number of cycles including but not limited to a number of these- Test200, equipoise, D-Bol, Deca, test propionate, masteron, clenbuterol, trenbolone acetate, sos250, and possibly a couple I am forgetting. The thing I have noticed which alot of my BB buddies always are amazed at how I change my body is my cycles. You ask how easily I change my body and add weight, lose weight, ect. I think my cycles are the answer. I plan extremely extensive well thought out cycles which use anticatabolics during certain periods as well as I try to compliment each compound with another, ect. Also I take in 200mg of whey protein ISOLATE alone every day, not including other forms of protein. This gives an extremely positive nitrogen balance which inturn doesn't let any muscle break down and only form more muscle. Then hitting the weights harder than your body can take it, even if you feel like passing out. It's not good for your body at all but it sure does make you BIG.

  8. #8
    Buenos Dias,

    I have friend from asia who lift 375 lbs at a bodyweight of 148. He was their junior champion. He did this with single shirt.

    My personal belief is if you want be great powerlifter, you must not think about weight class. You must not think instant results. You must think progress, constant, continuous progress. When you get that, given time, you will be great.

    When you get strong fast, your joints get wrecked. You cannot progress too quickly. That is why powerlifters are advised wait until almost elite so strength come slowly when first use roids. If you jump quickly when making natural gains quickly, weight handled may be more than joint can bear.

    And if bench is as strong as squat, no good. That is not good recipe for powerlifter. Also, check your deadlift. Unless you are big and fat, deadlift may be key to competition.

    Good training. I hope no insult carried. But many people want to powerlift, but do not think as future champion should.

  9. #9
    Buenos Dias again,

    I'm sorry if seem rude a while back. Not read all post. I understand fear of getting too big. That is difficult. But with your height, that is difficult for powerlifting. How far do you want to be? State champion? National champion? World champion?

    You may want to look at Waterman. Strong and buff but not overly large. But SeƱor Waterman not WORLD CHAMP, only bench press champ. Bench press only one lift.

    Odd, you can gain 20lbs and only put 20lbs on your bench, but you can also gain no pounds in weight but gain 20 in your bench.

    I understand difficulty, sir. But weight management and powerlifting very hard to combine. Add aesthetique and have very difficult proposition.

    Buenas suertes.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Yeah, that is the problem tommy. I don't want to be any champion. i just want to know that I can lift more and better than most state or national champs. It feels better to know you can do it but not show it off. Arnold was the European champion back when he was about 20 or 22 years old. I want to have the body but like many body builders can't do, I want to lift the weight to go with the body. AND you make a very good point. That is what I was trying to get across to Pete in the earlier post. Body weight does or doesn't have to go up but bench will always go up as a person tries harder and harder over time. After I gain 20 pounds and have been lifting for another two months my bench will go up a hell of alot more. I know this because it is constantly going up up and up every week, even a month AFTER I stop my roids I don't lose strength. Right now I feel like I won't ever peak. I could easily see myself pushing up over 500 on bench later with some steady time and effort. Knock on wood.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    south of heaven
    How do NCAA PLer get through testing?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    for one: look at the section under "passing testing" on this website and others. It will explain alternative ways to pass tests and find ways around the cycles that make testing easy to pass. Also, most NCAA testing is not as often as you would think. Maybe zero to 4 times a year maximum, it is expensive to test so many athletes. There are hundreds of athletes, expecially for colleges the size of UT Austin, which is the largest University in the nation along with being one of the top in academics and athletics. It would be too expensive to constantly test so many athletes on a 6 or 8 week basis.

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