Well in fact all my lifts suck. Funny thing is I look pretty big at over 200lbs and 7-8%bf. My chest especially stands out as the best part. Not actually certain what it measures but compared to 16.5' arms (probably the part that lags behind most) it looks disproportionately big. Anyway, I cant bench to save my life. I see people much smaller than me benching near 300lbs. I can only do about 250lbs max and even that is after 4 weeks of my current cycle when weighing myself at almost 220lbs.
I have a suspicion it is perhaps down to the triceps and delts not being on par but then again my shoulders are by no means small. Triceps are smallish. I do notice however that I feel the bench most in my delts and not the pecs. Im quite tall (6'1) with longish arms so that might be another problem.
Anyway, could some knowledgeable bros advise me what to do? I don't really want to switch to a PL type workout for numerous reasons, but I would be more than happy to concentrate more on particular muscle groups.